Young Love (Y/N X Jimin) Official authorized *LATE UPDATES*
  • *Recap*
  • There we had some very delicious food... We were so full and were about to fall asleep so i called Namjoon to pick us up. Namjoon: Hello ladies-
  • Jisoo: Hey...
  • Namjoon: Why do you guys look like you are drunk?
  • Lisa: We may look but we aren't. We are just so sleepy
  • Namjoon: But I had a surprise for you guys...
  • Everyone: What is it???
  • Namjoon: It's-
  • Y/N POV
  • Oh my gosh. He's going to do it isn't he? He's going to ask Jisoo to the dance!!! But I thought he wanted me to ask her.... Doesn't matter. I bet he's going to do it!! "It's- a question for Jisoo." Namjoon says. His face it SO FREAKING RED RIGHT NOW. Wish I could take a picture! "Me?" Jisoo ask's, looking up at him surprised. "Yeah.. so um, I was wondering okay. Jisoo, I was wondering if-" "Yes." Namjoon blinks "What?" "Yes, i'll be your date to the dance." Lisa and I turn to each other, mouths open in shock. Namjoon turns red again. "Oh okay cool. Um..i'll be in the car when you guys are ready." "Okay, we'll be out really soon." I say before Namjoon walks away. Jisoo starts to clean up but Lisa and I pull her back down. "Did you just ask Namjoon out to the dance?!" Lisa ask's. "Well, technally no, he asked me. But yeah, I knew what he was going to say. I heard Y/N talking about it earlier with Namjoon. So I just asumed that he was going to ask me right now. I mean, we just went dress shopping so it was kinda obvious." Jisoo says shrugging. "So does that me you like Joon?" Jisoo blushes. "You like him don't you!!!!" I say to her grinning. "Shut up." Jisoo says getting up to throw he stuff away. Me and Lisa turn to each other and grin. We clean up our stuff and head out to the car.