Young Love (Y/N X Jimin) Official authorized *LATE UPDATES*
  • Y/N'S POV
  • Monday~Lunch time
  • "Y/N! Y/NNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!" I'm eating lunch and I look up to see Lisa running towards my table. She sits down out of breath. "Lisa? What-" She holds up a finger panting. " know...the formal....thats on friday?" "Yeah..." She grins at me. practially jumping up and down in her seat. "You'll never guess who asked me!!!" My eyes widen "SOMEONE ASKED YOU!?!?!? WHO WAS IT????!!" "Jungkook!!!!" "Wait-what? Since when do you like Jungkook? You told me he was your best friend not your crush." I say confused. "Yeah I know. I was obviously lying. I knew you would tell him about it. But thats not the point!!!!! I GOT ASKED TO THE DANCE!!!!!" She squeals. "Ah Lisa, i'm so happy for you!!!!" I say. "Sooooooooo, has Jimin asked you yet???" I smirk. "What makes yoou think he's going to ask me??" "Well I have multiple reasons...." "Oh great, here we go-" "So first of all, he's like, tooooootally OBSESSED with you. He's my partner for science and everyday, he will NOT stop talking about you. He always smiles when he hears your name or see's you. He gives you compliments all the time....." "Hmmm, really?" She nods her head "Yes really! OMG look! here he comes!" I turn around and see Jimin smiling and walking towards us. I quickly turn around trying not to hyperventilate. "Hi ladies." Jimin says, sitting down next to me. "Hey Jimin!" Lisa says way to enthusiaticlly. "Hi Lisa!" Jimin turns to me and smiles. "So, Y/N, I was wondering if you were going to go to the formal this Friday?" "Jimin, you know i'm grounded right?" He frowns at me. "Yeah I know. Just wondering if your brother might let you go or something." I shake my head. "No he won't." "Well, would he let you go if you had a date?" I shrug. "Most likely. But only if my date is asking, not me. He'll think i'm making it up. And besides, I don't have a date." I say. Lisa kicks me under the table. I look up at her and she gives me the 'What's wrong with you?!' look. "Well then, Y/N, would you be my date to the formal?" My heart stop. As obvious as it should of been, I don't know HOW I didn't see this coming. I didn't know I could be so clueless. Which, now that I think of, thats why Lisa kicked me and gave me that look. I can't believe how dumb I am. "Well..I um..." Lisa kicks me again. She wants me to say yes. Why am I so hesitant about awnsering? "Yeah, i'll go with you." I tell him. He gives me his amazing, hypnotizing smile. "So then, i'll talk to you brother so I can convince him to let you go with me. I'll text you later." Before I can say anything back, he walk's off. WHAT. JUST. HAPENED?!?!?!? "Did THE Park, Jimin just ask you out to the dance." Lisa says, practically bouncing out of her seat. "Apparently" "Why do you look like that? Aren't you excited." "Yeah i'm just trying to process everything that just happened without passing out. Which might be hard to do." I say. The bell rings. Lisa starts to pack up her stuff and I do too. Lisa rolls her eyes. "Your so dramatic Y/N" "No kidding" I mumble.
  • AHHHHH!!! I've been waiting to finish this chapter and publish it for so long!! I'm really happy to start spreading this event that actually happened to me. This was probally that craziest thing i've ever expirienced so far at school. Thank you all much for you support!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!