Xiao Zhan's Rebirth Sweet Wife is online / Playing with the white moonlight in the palm of your hand
Xiao Zhan's Rebirth Sweet Wife is online
  • On his birthday, Luo Nanxun got up early. It was a rare time for Wang Yibo to see Luo Nanxun get up and have breakfast with him before he went to work. Thinking about it, it was normal for her to get up early on her birthday today. Wang Yibo's attitude towards her was completely indulgent
  • Luo Nanxun has been shopping in nightclubs for beauty salons these two days, making friends and looking for male models. She can be said to be enjoying life now, and she is also frequently updating photos with different little brothers at Moments. The current signature is "For male models, live for male models, die for male models, and fight for male models for the rest of her life!"
  • Cut off the waist-length hair, shoulder-length and dyed a milk tea-colored hair, and the sling vest and hot pants are all arranged on
  • Wang Yibo turned a blind eye to this, and he didn't have much to wear in the summer. But the other man was different. Xiao Zhan, who had just finished the international conference, was even more bored!
  • Luo Nanxun was also very worried. He didn't block anyone when he sent Moments, which meant that anyone on WeChat could see Luo Nanxun's group photos and selfies before going to bed.
  • Selfies before going to bed can be described as pure and reverie, as well as sexy photos taken in the gym, sportswear wearing tights and leggings, and the black silk you just bought to try on! I know how to play with men
  • Xiao Zhan is getting more and more angry the more he looks at it! This should be exclusive to himself
  • Luo Nanxun is different, just have fun when you should have fun
  • Luo Nanxun arranged it properly, holding a "ladder" on a luxury cruise ship.
  • While enjoying the life of a lady in the luxury Rolls-Royce Phantom that Wang Yibo bought, the driver suddenly braked sharply and swayed down due to inertia, and the red wine in the wine glass almost spilled out.
  • "What's wrong?"
  • The driver in the front row calmly pulled out his mobile phone and dialed the number, saying, "Miss is fine, our car was stopped."
  • "????? Who?"
  • Luo Nanxun felt vaguely uneasy, something bad must happen
  • Luo Nanxun came to a forest, and heavy fog covered her vision. It was obvious that this was a dream. Luo Nanxun maintained absolute sanity and walked deep into the forest without panicking
  • After all, this is a person who has been reborn, and he has died before he dies. What are you panicking about?
  • A voice suddenly sounded in the gloomy forest, disgusting like a spell, making Luo Nanxun have a headache
  • A large number of reptiles, snakes, suddenly appeared in the surrounding tree holes. The thing Luo Nanxun was most afraid of was snakes. They stuck out their tongues and walked towards Luo Nanxun
  • Luo Nanxun panicked and was at a loss, and suddenly it rained heavily to wake Luo Nanxun up
  • "Ah!"
  • Luo Nanxun opened her tired eyes and found that she was being fished. A white veil was all over her body, and the outline of her body was looming, which was extremely attractive
  • She was fished on the ceiling, ventilated on all sides like an abandoned building, with a sign on the door not far away, Observation Department (I don't know)
  • Luo Nanxun's hair was wet, and it was uncomfortable to stick to his neck. The cold wind blew and made Luo Nanxun shiver
  • It seems that it is impossible to call for help, and the chance of self-help seems to be slim. It is almost 3.5 meters from the ceiling to the floor. It is difficult to fall away at an extremely fast speed. Instead, the sound of falling will attract suspects
  • There was no better way. Luo Nanxun could only watch the change and observe the surrounding buildings. There seemed to be a farm not far away. There should be people, but it was two or three kilometers away
  • qiqiqiqiqi
    Ah, thank you babies
  • qiqiqiqiqi
    Love mud meng love mud meng
Playing with the white moonlight in the palm of your hand