Wu Shixun's husband's exclusive pampering (1, 2)
  • Enron tells you what it's like to have a possessive boyfriend!
  • An Ran suddenly received a call from Wu Shixun and picked it up in a good mood. Sure enough, he heard his boyfriend's magnetic voice and was in a really good mood.
  • wushixun
    How can you have a man's voice there? where are you? what are you doing? Who are those people next to you?
  • An Ran answered the phone a little depressed, and handed the money to the salesperson who was talking to him just now. The salesperson was indeed a man.
  • But when you hear a man's voice, you must instantly enter a state of alert and become fully 100,000 why, and it is even more powerful than that.
  • Even though we had been together for a long time, we should have gotten into his sudden appearance mode, but... well, it was still unacceptable.
  • But he inexplicably likes his sense of managing himself, so he will feel that he is very important in his heart, and the position he occupies is very important.
  • anran
    There is no man, I am in the supermarket now, and I was talking to the salesperson just now, but this salesperson is indeed a man.
  • An Ran finished all his questions obediently, and felt that the opposite party suddenly stopped talking, and then there was a natural coughing sound on the phone, as if his slightly reddish embarrassed face could be seen from the air.
  • I couldn't help but feel good and laughed out loud.
  • wushixun
    What are you laughing at?
  • Wu Shixun's tone was slightly dissatisfied, as if he could see his little expression of turning his head arrogantly.
  • anran
    Wu Shixun, I like you very much, I like you the most.
  • wushixun
    What are you doing all of a sudden? Really, there's nothing you can do about it, just stand there obediently, don't move, I'll pick you up.
  • An Ran hung up the phone sweetly and waited for his prince to pick him up.
  • Have a possessive boyfriend, will be very happy oh!
  • Hope all babies find their own happiness too!
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