Wu Shixun's husband's exclusive pampering (1, 2)
  • If it wasn't for the past two days, everything about Enron, Wu Yifan, had seen it in his eyes, the kind of heartache from the bottom of his heart, how much he loves someone and how much heartache he is for losing that person's lies, Wu Yifan looked at Enron in a trance every day, walking, maybe he could fall, Wu Yifan deeply understood that Enron loved Wu Shixun more than he loved himself. If it wasn't for this, Wu Yifan would not have given Enron's address to his rival in love.
  • Whether it's a rival in love or a god assist, as long as the woman you love can be happy, what's the point?
  • Destroy Wu Shixun and An Ran's wedding, tell An Ran that he really wants to expose Wu Shixun's lies, Wu Yifan admits that he has some regrets. When he heard in Australia that his favorite woman was getting married, he was a normal person, and he would not be very rational. Thinking about the problem, so Wu Yifan lost control at the time, and did these things impulsively.
  • If he knew that debunking this lie would have such a big impact on Enron, he would bury this lie in his heart and rot in his stomach. He would not mention this in front of Enron. Wu Yifan admitted that he regretted it, so he would The address was given to Wu Shixun and he was asked to bring back his once smiling Enron. Even if she didn't stay with him in the end, it seemed like it would be good to be a knight who had been guarding her behind her back.
  • wushixun
  • Wu Shixun looked at Wu Yifan's back and said deeply, he thought that if it wasn't for Enron, the two might still be able to become good buddies, but Wu Yifan likes his woman, so of course he won't put a The hidden premise is by his side, but I still want to thank him.
  • Wu Shixun held the address in his hand tightly, and thought that he would see his beloved woman soon, and his heart couldn't help but beat.
  • The other side.
  • lizhien
    Sister, are you really all right?
  • Li Zhien frowned tightly with worry, and Huang Zitao shook her hand, indicating that she should not be so tight.
  • anran
    What! It's nothing, it's nothing, don't worry about me so much, you sit, and I'll go and pour water for you.
  • An Ran walked into the kitchen and prepared to pour water.
  • lizhien
    Are you really all right?
  • huangzitao
    Don't be like this, don't worry so much, have Shixun? The two of them can only be solved by the two of them, and we outsiders can't get involved.
  • As Huang Zitao spoke, he smoothed Li Zhien's back with his hands like a comfort.
Rivalry or God Assist