Wizards of Seoul (with BTS, TXT, ENHYPEN and READER)
  • An explosion filled the air. The people went outside to see what was the matter. It was only a puff of strong scented smoke.
  • It wasn't a very nice scent to smell. It was like the scent of a cigarette mixing in with a fruit flavor.
  • Once the smoke and smell were all cleared up, only that was left from it all was the mysterious text that was read up above in the blue sky.
  • Meanwhile, Y/N still felt vulnerable because of the accusations she was currently facing with the other students.
  • Everyone suspected her as a witch. They thought it was obvious that she should be tried along with the others involved in the mindfulness of witchcraft.
  • "Maybe I am a witch," she said, quietly, "Maybe they are right about my abilities being abnormal and me staying up in the middle of the night and...et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!"
  • She then groaned and laid on top of her bed. She wanted all of this nonsense to end already. She even planned a threat that would somehow get everybody to stop demanding and conquering over her.
  • I'll have my pet mandrake set out for you! After all, it can kill most of the people here.
  • But the girl was not reassured enough. She sat there all evening until her eyes burned with tears of fiery anger. Her anguished soul would not rest until her little "trial" had come to a crashing end. But nothing ever came up.
  • In the morning, the whole classes of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs stood right outside her door.
  • Y/N was sleeping deeply on her back, with her head turned to the side. She was sleepy. But she was startled awake from the sound of the other students. She then wondered what the noises were all about.
  • Are they about to surprise me with their protests...again?
  • After she dressed in her uniform, she opened the door where the students jeered and screamed at her, calling her a "witch", a term that is considered mean to someone with abnormal abilities.
  • "I'm not a witch," Y/N said, "If you all could show me some respect, then today won't be as bad as the last day or the day before!"
  • But the students all gave her a stink eye whenever she was in the classes. It made her uncomfortable. Jake Shim, who always sat at least two feet away from Y/N, felt concerned about her discomfort.
  • "Are you sure she is really a witch?" he asked to Bahiyyih.
  • "She is," Bahiyyih responded, "Even if she wasn't, there is something strange about her."
  • But he begged to differ. Y/N was supposed to be interesting, and kind, and funny, with a quite mischievous side. But even to him (and not to her), she was really beautiful.
  • "But she's beautiful," he muttered.
  • Later on the same evening, Jake could not stand being away from Y/N. He then went by to her door before everyone went to bed. He was a bit hesitant to knock on the door.
  • What if she calls me out?
  • He knocked, but Y/N screamed, "I AM NOT A WITCH!!!"
  • Jake took a step back in a slight fear. However, he remained confident and knocked on the door again. But there was no answer. This time he was concerned than he was when she screamed.
  • As he tried to sneak away, Y/N opened.
  • "I was only trying to defend myself." she said.
  • "I know you're not scary," Jake replied, "You are the sweetest thing. Everyone knows that. They're just afraid because of the trials going for the past few years."
  • "I suppose."
  • The final bell of the evening rang. The students rushed to their dorm rooms for bedtime.
  • "Bedtime," said Y/N.
  • "I know. But at least tomorrow won't be as bad...wouldn't it?"
  • But Y/N frowned.
  • "You are a very kind boy," she said, "But it's okay if you really think I'm a witch. I've always been called one since I was a bit smaller. It is really alright."
  • "No one here is a witch. Plus, they've banned all kinds of dark magic ever since Harry Potter's fatal fight with Voldemort."
  • "I never knew a man who fought so bravely, could die from a wicked being. I guess powers are quite harmful even to themselves."
  • "Harry Potter is in the alma mater of this school. I believe it is quite a coincidence. He was the mascot after his death."
  • "I wonder how his friends are holding up, knowing that their only true and brave friend has lost ability."
  • Jake looked at the security guards nearly approaching from the shadows, and said, "I have to go now. It really is past our bedtime. But I'll come back bright and early tomorrow. It is the weekend, we could hang out sometime during the day, if you don't have anything to study for."
  • "Well," said Y/N, "If you promise not to rat me out like the other guys do."
  • "I promise you...don't worry about it. You're beautiful."
  • In the end, Y/N fell smiled but fell asleep in his arms.
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • No one dared to speak another word. However, Jake Shim wouldn't let Y/N be so lonely, as she was lonely to past few years.
  • The next morning, she put on a hoodie, ripped jeans, and a pair of beaten up sneakers. She did not approve of her choice in outfit.
  • "I may regret this," she said to herself, "I may not like this choice in outfit after meeting with my classmate yesterday. What if we meet again? Will we be compatible?"
  • These questions that she had in the back of her mind were all over now. She worried constantly. Her fear was the fact that the quidditch team was famous and Jake would be shamed for his friendship with a supposed witch.
  • It was still dark, even at six-thirty in the morning. But even so, Y/N would have better eyesight.
  • Suddenly, she saw a pale white hand coming straight at her. She didn't notice, but did when it came right towards her. It was fast. But the athletic Y/N couldn't let it hurt her, so she dodged it. She didn't recognize who it was, but didn't want to know, anyways.
  • The hand came back again. This time Y/N couldn't tell if she was being hit, or groped. She dodged it again. She heard a snarl and the hand dashed right towards her. She knew she had to defend herself. She crossed her arms... and there was an explosion. Y/N had defeated the hand. And ran away to the canteen. But even the children there would not speak to her, because of her being a suspected witch.
  • I am not a witch! Why do people keep saying that? Are they bullying me?
  • Suddenly, Y/N collapsed from the table. Jake rushed over so she wouldn't make a thud.
  • "Y/N," he said, "Y/N! Y/N, answer me! Are you alright?"
  • But the sixteen year old high schooler wouldn't respond. She was already unconscious. Immediately, Jake carried her out of the room.
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • "Y/N! Y/N!"
  • She couldn't open her eyes. Until Jake decided to do CPR on her. Y/N had accidentally put her hand over his neck and pulled him to her lips. As they touched like slug's slime, Y/N froze.
  • I am kissing a Gryffindor. I am kissing a Gryffindor!!! AH MAH GAWD, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?!
  • They broke free and blushed bright red.
  • "I'm sorry," said Jake, "I thought you were unconscious. I had to help."
  • The girl fluttered her eyelids in embarrassment, with her cheeks blushing even brighter.
  • "I thought you were just going to leave me and never talk to me again. No one ever stays to talk to me. They keep thinking that witches will have the power to manipulate others and backstab them in the end."
  • Jake nodded his head.
  • "What else do they say about you?" asked Jake.
  • "They call me mean names and talk in offensive language." Y/N replied.
  • "Why would they do that."
  • "They don't know that my powers are just the same, but used differently. At least I'm not alone on talking to others."
  • Jake gave off his puppy smile and patted her head.
  • "I'll let you rest and tell your teachers that you woke up feeling sick and will take care of you."
  • "Thank you." said Y/N, laying back down.
  • "You are welcome. You must rest after being unconscious. If you feel anything worse, then call me at Break."
  • Y/N fell to Jake's arms.
  • "Please don't leave me," she said, needingly, "I need someone to look after me. Please, don't leave me!"
  • "I wouldn't leave you," said Jake, "I just want you to be healthy and preppy. I'll leave you. But only to get rest. I'll come back after the final class, and I'll bring you dinner."
  • Y/N let go of Jake's hand and let him go attend today's lessons. Of course, she was not feeling well. But she wanted to throw her voice out into the world that she was not a witch and didn't plan being one, either.
  • I trust you, Jake, she thought, I trust you more than any other student in the school. I...I...I think I love you!
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • During classes, Jake could not stop thinking of Y/N. It was concerning.
  • During Lunch, Jake snuck a lunch pack in his backpack and raced up the stairs, so that Y/N wouldn't starve so much. Meanwhile, Y/N was in a deep sleep. It was another one of those "supernatural" abilities. But then, she heard the screaming sounds again. It was unnerving and she couldn't wake up anymore.
  • "DON'T COME TO THE CHAMBER!!" One voice would shout.
  • "YOU'LL LOSE THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!!!" Another shouted.
  • Y/N could not take it any longer. She tried to open her eyes. But everything that she had attempted to do so just made it worse for her. All out of nowhere, Voldemort's voice entered her brain, as she levitated from her bed. There was no way to wake up from that now. Just when things would worsen, Jake entered and Y/N dropped to the ground, shooting her body straight up, resulting her awakening. She then laid back down.
  • Jake looked down on her with furrowed eyebrows.
  • Y/N, he said, using telepathy, Can you hear me?
  • I can hear you, replied Y/N, mentally, with a perplexed expression.
  • "Are you angry with me?" asked Y/N
  • "No," said Jake, softly, "I would never be angry with you."
  • Y/N pushed herself closer to Jake, nearly desiring to kiss him. But then, the knock suddenly pushed her back down. It was the student patrol. They wanted Y/N to be locked up. After all, she was a "witch".
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • Jake and Y/N snuck out of the dorm room and ran around the school.
  • "Where are we going?" asked Y/N.
  • "The security team are here," replied Jake, "They are a force that check for signs of witchcraft and dark magic. If they believe the rumors to be true, then that means you would be locked up! We have to hide you somewhere until they leave."
  • "Where can you hide me?"
  • Very quietly, Jake led her out to the forbidden hallway. Y/N was frightened.
  • "Won't the student patrol catch us stepping foot in here?"
  • "As long we don't say anything." Jake replied.
  • But Y/N was loud and could not keep quiet. She was known for shouting and screaming. But now Y/N was told to lower her voice. This was something that weakened her.
  • Suddenly, there was a faint thud and a growling sound. Only Y/N heard these disturbing noises. And now she felt as if she could not tell something was wrong at all. She worried that Jake would not believe her. But she gave up the courage to say something.
  • "I heard voices. I thought I did. I am not certain."
  • "Voices," questioned Jake, "I don't hear anything. Are you all right, then?"
  • "I heard someone screaming and a creature growling. It was coming from that room in front of us."
  • Jake looked at the entrance to the forbidden door. He then gulped.
  • "We can't go in there," he said, "No one ever made it back alive. I'm scared that we won't either, if we hide in there."
  • "Did they say we can't take a chance?" responded Y/N
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • They went inside the dark chamber. But they couldn't go too far inside. They stayed on the steps until the student patrol went away. But Jake knew that hiding would not help. Y/N was frightened. She fell to Jake's arms.
  • "I'm frightened," she said, "I'm scared that everything that I've worked for will be gone. I'm afraid I'll be executed at the young age of sixteen."
  • "It will be alright," said Jake, "I know once you tell them the truth than no one can tell that you are a witch."
  • "But what if I am a witch? What if they're right about me?"
  • "No-no, they couldn't be. I believe you. Do you want to know why?"
  • "Why?"
  • Jake kissed her forehead.
  • "Because I trust you."
  • Y/N looked up.
  • "And you trust me, because..."
  • "I know that whatever the other students, teachers, or staff members say about you is not true. I know that your abilities are in the same family as wizardry."
  • "But...it scares me still...especially since Voldemort is back on the prowl and the witch trials are still going on."
  • "I know you can make a difference. Something tells me that you are going to change the world and beat the odds. What are they anyway? Who says your powers are strange? Tomorrow when the student patrol are gone, I want to step up to everyone and say, 'I am proud of who I am, no matter what you say'. Don't let their opinions hurt you."
  • Y/N nodded.
  • "I dare you to bite my neck?" Jake said with a mischievous tone.
  • "What if something goes wrong?"
  • "I still trust you, Y/N. I know nothing can go wrong."
  • "But...what if–"
  • "It's okay...you don't have to do it right away. But when I start believing more in you...and when you believe in yourself. When that time comes, please come kiss me and bite my neck."
  • Y/N quickly grabbed Jake by the neck and kissed him, mixing in with his lips. And then she pulled away. Feeling these unrequited desire, she made sure to bit Jake on the neck. She gave a few small nibbles...and pulled away, touching his forehead with hers.
  • "Why didn't you just say you loved me?" she asked.
  • "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." Jake responded, "Besides... I figured that with your trust and mine...we would be compatible."
  • I knew it! Y/N thought.
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • The Slytherins were known for being mischievous and quite unfair to the other houses. Most of them knew that Y/N was a witch and planned to get rid of her if she was. Choi Soobin, the leader of the house, was one to even execute Y/N.
  • "We must tell the student patrol that Y/N is a witch. So that we didn't have to deal with her everyday at school and dinner."
  • "Couldn't we be a little nicer to her?" asked Riki Nishimura, the youngest Slytherin.
  • "We couldn't even if we wanted to." said Lee Heeseung.
  • "Yeah," said Jeon Jungkook, "If she was a witch and we let her go, imagine what terrible things could happen."
  • "But if she really is telling the truth?" said Kim Namjoon, "It seems to me that she didn't want to get caught in a lie in the first place. If we could have treated her with respect then this whole thing wouldn't have happened."
  • "We were only just worried about Voldemort being on the prowl again and the witch trials continuing on for the past few years." said Min Yoongi, "We could at least hope for the best in the meantime."
  • Suddenly, the student patrol knocked on the door along with Professor Mumblechoom. Min Yoongi answered.
  • "May I ask who you are?" he asked.
  • "I am Luna Lovegood, the Head Chief of the Student Patrol Services. I was called to collect Y/N L/N. Have you seen her?"
  • Min Yoongi struggled to answer. He looked back at the others for help. But he was left all alone.
  • "I have no idea what you're saying," he said, "I never knew this Y/N L/N."
  • "She is only asked where Y/N was," said Professor Mumblechoom, "It's only a simple question."
  • Quickly, Yoongi said, "I have not seen her, then."
  • "Very well, then," said Luna, "Give us a call if you ever do see her. She may be the suspect of a witch. The least we could do is arrest her until she confesses her dark crafts."
  • Min Yoongi closed the door soon afterwards. He felt his heart pounding like a huge pebble. With sweat beads all over his forehead, he sat back down and huffed and puffed.
  • "What did she say," asked Riki, "What did she ask?"
  • "She wants to kill Y/N!"
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • "It's five-thirty," said Y/N, "Shouldn't we at least eat dinner?"
  • "The student patrol may be out there still," said Jake, "What if they see us coming out from this room?"
  • "Then we sneak out."
  • "We'll get in trouble."
  • "Not if no one notices us."
  • They then quietly snuck out from the chamber door and ran off back to Y/N's bedroom. She then put herself to bed and Jake stayed until the student patrol had finished investigating the entire school.
  • "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." said Jake.
  • "But you'll get in trouble for helping a 'witch'! I don't want you to die too."
  • "I want to die with you. Everywhere you go, everywhere you see, I will always be there for you. No matter what happens!"
  • Jake laid beside Y/N, who was shaking in fear.
  • "I'm scared, Jake." she sobbed softly.
  • "Nothing will happen," said Jake, "I won't let anyone take you away. Never. I won't let anything happen to you."
  • "Promise?"
  • "I promise you."
  • "Okay."
  • Jake stayed with Y/N throughout bedtime, so she wouldn't be so worried or frightened. Y/N always worried and was scared so much. She got it personally from her mother. Her mother was dead. But she didn't care. She wanted nothing to do with her.
  • "Don't you miss your mother?" asked Jake, "Your father, perhaps?"
  • Y/N silently huffed and turned her head away. It was a sign she had such a strained relationship with them.
  • "Was your relationship that bad between you and them?"
  • "It was terrible!" shouted Y/N, "I had to worst parents ever! They wouldn't let do whatever a kid could do, and thought that the people were subjected to witchcraft, even though we were conspired in the first place!"
  • "But mothers and fathers are supposed to be good to their children. Aren't they?"
  • "Yeah, if they don't yell at you, or keep you cooped up inside the house everyday when you are supposed to be at school!"
  • "It must have been hard for you."
  • There was a faint bang at Y/N's door. But they didn't listen.
  • "It was," said Y/N, "But I won't get into detail. It's just too hard to talk about."
  • The door was knocked down with a loud bang, startling both Jake and Y/N.
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • "The court has decided to put you on trial until further notice," said Luna Lovegood, "But for now, you will be held in the cell of Hogwarts Academy."
  • "Why must I refer in a cell? Couldn't I just stay in my room?" asked Y/N.
  • "Very well," Lovegood sighed, "But you are forbidden to come out, unless we say you can."
  • Y/N nodded and quickly confided to her own room, locking the door from the inside.
  • But once the environment was quiet, she began to cry. She fell to the floor sobbing softly.
  • "But I can't live my life like this," she cried, "I can't understand what the fuss is about if I were to be a witch. It's just not fair."
  • Jake knocked on the door, but only two times, since he had to be careful not to let Y/N out. Doing so would extend her duration in prison, once she had been sentenced.
  • "I can't open the door," said Y/N, "I'm forbidden to come out unless they tell me I can."
  • "I just want to say that I'm sorry for getting you into this," said Jake, "I should have been a bit more aware that there were people after you and were this close to catching you."
  • "It's fine. At least I don't have to deal with people that judge me constantly and being dared to go see the quidditch team without the student patrol putting us in house arrest."
  • "You've been through that?"
  • "Except the last part."
  • Suddenly, another set of footsteps were heard.
  • "I think I have to go, now. Lovegood must be coming back to check on you. Please, don't worry. I will come back."
  • "Okay."
  • Jake raced away, before Luna Lovegood could catch him. Luckily, he made a full escape. He watched as Luna Lovegood checked on Y/N. It was a small chat. And then, she left. But he wasn't satisfied with her approach to her.
  • But then, Professor Mumblechoom, found Jake leaving Y/N's side of the dorm rooms. He made it back to his room and stayed there once dinner began.
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • "I know she is not a witch," said Jake, to Sunghoon, "I know Y/N would never be born into a family where witches are imprisoned or trialed, just because they have a different ability than the rest of us."
  • "What could we do?" asked Sunghoon, "I want to help. But don't you think we would get in trouble by the student patrol?"
  • "I would. But we don't make it noticeable."
  • "The court doesn't have Y/N until next week. We need to find proof that Y/N is what we think she is. If you know what I mean."
  • "But the documents are in the front office," said Jongseong, entering the table, "How are we going to get there without getting caught? We can't just go there and take it."
  • "But we need to find some sort of evidence first. We will have to find the origin." said Jake, "It might take some time. At least help me a little bit."
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • It was time for Y/N's court meeting. The town villagers gathered around for another sentencing of another suspected witch. Of course, Y/N was not one.
  • "The court has decided to put Y/N on trial until further notice. For now, she might as well be locked up in either her room or the prison in the school. But she can't be let out no matter the circumstances. If there is any reason why Y/N shouldn't be put on trial, you have the permission to speak or forever hold your peace."
  • "I want to say something," said Jake.
  • "Please do," said Lovegood, "Give us a precise reason why Y/N should not be put on trial."
  • "To begin with, Y/N would not be a witch."
  • "And why is that your claim?"
  • "Because she may have different abilities, they do not connect to any kind of witchcraft at all. For example, the ability to jump on top higher buildings. That is an advanced class for seniors. She was well-taught, so they say."
  • "Yes. Tell us more."
  • "Another thing. She does not sleep during the day. She always sleeps on time when they tell us it's time for bed. Y/N always goes to her room at the same time everyone else does."
  • "Interesting. Is that all?"
  • "That is," said Professor Mumblechoom, "I can assure you that Y/N is always a good girl and would never convert to dark magic."
  • Luna Lovegood was in disbelief. The girls in Hogwarts wanted Y/N out of there so much. They were becoming jealous of her. This could be the reason she was on trial.
  • After giving it much thought, she said, "We will have her brought back at a later date. For now, she must be locked up as a year's probation. If what you say is true, then she will be set free. If not, then we will execute her immediately. Court meeting is dismissed."
  • Y/N was the defendant, so she had to follow Luna Lovegood out of the courthouse. She frowned in depression. She did not know what it felt like being accused of a crime you did not commit. But now she knows how terrible it is.
  • I never knew that even young girls like me can be "convicted". But I wouldn't do anything at a strange time or place. It's is not like me at all. I am my own person...can't anyone see that? Is it really that hard...to notice my individuality?
  • She then sighed.
  • Instead of going to her room, she was locked up in the school's cell, along with her personal belongings. They allowed her to keep her phone, as they will call her for important reasons. But it was not fair. She was a witch to all of those people in town.
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • Jake was in his room. He cried uncontrollably. He wanted to end Y/N's trial and set her free. He felt bad that she had to be treated that way.
  • He was anguished. Angered. He seethed with rage. He called out her name in a scream.
  • Jake had not yet began dating, nor did he have a soul- mate. He never experienced that in years. Of course, none of the other girls were seemingly the right ones for him. So, he had to find someone else for him.
  • His eyes burnt from the warm tears.
  • Oddly enough, he was exhausted and quickly passed out.
  • Jongseong rushed in and found Jake lifeless and still, as if he was a dead corpse in a funeral. He covered his body and left the room for Jake to rest.
  • Y/N did not enjoy herself. She was alone in the dark prison chamber, at the bottom of the school. She paced back and forth. She felt anxious. Traumatized. Horrifically thrown into a panic.
  • "It-it can't end like this," she stammered, "I-I have to get out of here! I must get out of here! I got to tell everyone the truth. But what if they don't believe me! Of course they won't, they are just afraid that my abilities will supposedly 'hurt' them. Well, newsflash: I WILL NOT DARE TO HURT ANYONE!!!"
  • Her cry echoed from the ground to the ceiling. She fell to the floor with her back against the wall, whimpering and sobbing lightly.
  • "I just want to be normal." she whispered, "I just want them all to know that I am just like you. A human. With powers. But different. Same species. But...I'm only different because I was taught differently. Why can't they all just agree on that?!"
  • Her complaints made her sob even more. And then, she cried completely. Her feelings were broken. She wanted her peers to forgive her. But she felt that it was too late. Everyone wanted her dead by the next morning. But the court date was not yet official. Y/N just wanted to be set free.
  • She cried and cried. Until she passed out and collapsed, before she had to opportunity to stand up straight.
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • Jake had a dream. But it was not a very pleasant one.
  • He envisioned Y/N.
  • He envisioned Voldemort.
  • At some point, he woke up, shouting Y/N's name.
  • Jake found himself in his own dormitory room. But he forgot that Y/N was held in prison for the time being. It wasn't like what he dreamt of would really come true. Wouldn't it?
  • However it did.
  • Y/N was in deep sleep. She could not be woken up. She could not move from the crying she had done.
  • A voice entered the prison chamber, chanting her name.
  • Startled, Y/N lifted her head, slowly and weakly. She couldn't look up at the voice's coordinates, since her vision was blurred.
  • "Y/N," said the eerie voice, "I bestow a promise you must keep until I receive something that Harry Potter once had, but never gave me."
  • "Harry Potter?" Y/N asked, weakly, "He is dead. You can't possibly steal from him, now he is gone from this world."
  • Y/N's vision blurred, but she levitated. She was frightened.
  • "What do you want me to do?" Y/N asked in her defense, "What do you want from me?"
  • "I only want your mother's necklace...and your powers."
  • "But it is the only thing I have in her memory. My powers are what keep me alive. If anything were to happen to any of them, then my chances to live would be at a high risk. I couldn't possibly. Get out of here! Leave me alone!"
  • "Suit yourself," said the voice, "But I bet that you didn't know that he, the great Voldemort himself, could bestow a curse that could destroy the country of Seoul, South Korea. But me holding onto your genetic powers was the only way to make your peers stop bullying you."
  • Y/N perked.
  • "What could you do? What is this condition I must acquire to."
  • "You give up your powers and abilities, then I won't curse on this school and the country. And your peers won't even know that you even did have powers. So. What is it going to be for you, my young lady?"
  • Y/N thought for only one moment. Two moments. Three moments. Eventually, she supposedly gave in.
  • "I'll give up my powers...only if you never return here, Voldemort! EXPELLIARMUS!!"
  • Her spell wiped out the invisible figure of Voldemort and threw him out of the chamber. He was angered and enraged.
  • "I shall not leave this country until I get what I want! DO YOU HEAR ME?! WHAT I WANT!!!"
  • A great clap of thunder was heard no more than six times. This shook the school and the country. And without a warning, the city was cursed with dark magic. The people knew that it was the work of the evil Voldemort. For their safety, they made sure that they would stay indoors until eight in the evening and come out until seven in the morning.
  • The word of his curse spread out everywhere that it even made the inter- national headlines. And officially, Korea decided to close down the borders, so no one would get tangled in this dark magic trap.
  • Hogwarts Academy was last to receive the news. They don't have much media alike their own website. The students were later shocked about the event when Voldemort took his anger out on Seoul and forced a close on the borders.
  • "What shall we do now?" asked Gryffindor Kim Sunoo to Hufflepuff Kim Seokjin.
  • "What can we do," responded Seokjin, hopelessly, "Voldemort's powers are far too great. Even the eldest students don't have the strongest power to defeat him."
  • "Somehow, we have to do something about this."
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • "This is my fault," Y/N said to herself, "I'm the one who put up this curse. I'm the one who promised to give up my powers and abilities. I'm the one who convinced everyone that I was not a witch, when I really could be! Whatever shall I do?"
  • Y/N silently cried.
  • After giving some thought, Y/N brought out an old looking blank-book. She never thought of what to do with it. Since she was going to be locked up for a long while, she might as well record herself in captive.
  • I will fight my way out of this, she thought, But I'm going to need a bit of help from here. But...who else besides Jake Shim?
The Troubles Begin