The Princess of the Allure of Crossing
  • When An Ran and the two saw that they were the guards next to their brother, they didn't say anything. Put away their anger and said.
  • anrangongzhu
    What are you doing here? Did your brother ask you to come?
  • The guard said.
  • shiwei
    Yes, yes, the master asked me to come, he said let me see how you are?
  • An Ran heard that her brother thought about the fact that she was mistaken for incest with her brother, and she felt very uncomfortable again.
  • An Ran said lightly.
  • anrangongzhu
    I'm fine, what can I do, just how is my brother?
  • Although Enron was angry, he did not forget to care about his brother.
  • The guard said.
  • shiwei
    He's fine, he's fine, he's fine, but he hasn't gone out these days. He asked me to see how the princess is doing. Don't worry about the princess, he has his own arrangements.
  • On the other side, An Yi locked himself in the house, did not go out all day, and was misunderstood by others in another country. It was a great shame. How should he explain to his father when he returned to the country? This is not just the shame of ten people, they are the prince and princess. The personal honor and disgrace is related to the honor and disgrace of the country.
  • He was so sad and indignant that he didn't want to eat and drink all day long. In this way, he didn't go out all day. People are worried about him. Many attentive kings, grandsons and nobles came to visit to flatter princes and princesses in foreign countries.
  • But once she rejected them, he didn't want to see anyone. He has no face to see others again, that will only make her feel more ashamed. He lost the face of the entire Dragon Chen Kingdom.
  • Three days later, when the sky was clear and refreshed, An Yi suddenly opened the door, and the bright sunshine stung his eyes.
  • For three days, he has not gone out, locked himself in the house all day without breathing a breath of fresh air or enjoying a ray of sunshine.
  • He went out of the room so that he could follow her to the door of Princess Enron's room.
  • An Ran came to the door with tired footsteps and gently opened the door.
  • It turned out to be his brother, the brother he hadn't seen for three days.
  • anrangongzhu
    Why are you here?
  • An Ran said to him in surprise.
  • anyi
    I'm here to take you home. Come on, let's go together.
  • anrangongzhu
    Well, you're not crazy, are you? Why are we going back, I haven't got my revenge, I'm not going back.
  • With Enron's personality, of course, he would not give up.
  • anyi
    Don't talk nonsense, you must go back with me, you know?
  • An Yi said to An Ran.
  • anrangongzhu
    No, I'm not going back brother, are you crazy? Are you going back without revenge? Are you really going to give up like this? You can bear it but I can't.
  • With that, Enron slammed the door shut.
  • anyi
    Sister, listen to me? Open the door!
  • An Yi shouted at the door.
  • An Yi said again and again at the door, and An Ran slowly opened the door.
  • anrangongzhu
    What do you want? I won't go back with you no matter what it is. You can die. You can let it go, and I won't swallow my voice like you.
  • anyi
    Can you let me in and talk to you? You let me in first.
  • An Yi hurried into the door and hurriedly closed the door.
  • anrangongzhu
    In short, I will not go back with you, you will die of this heart.
  • anyi
    Listen to me, you silly girl. I am your brother! Why don't you know me yet?
  • anrangongzhu
    What do I know about you, I tell your brother, you have really changed, you are no longer the brave and resourceful person you used to be, and I will never call you brother again in the future.
  • anyi
    Sister, it's just a blindfold. We're just pretending to go back.
  • anrangongzhu
    Pretend to go back? What do you mean? Why pretend to go back, aren't we really going back?
  • An Ran looked confused when asked.
  • anyi
    We told them we were going back, and the king must send someone to see us off, so they would come, and it would not be too late for us to take revenge.
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