TNT: Wolf brother pampers lightly / Digging 087. Intimate Ma Jiaqi
TNT: Wolf brother pampers lightly
  • -
  • gutianxi
  • That picture is so weird
  • gutianxi
    You go out first
  • gutianxi
    Just have a teacher with me
  • Gu Tianxi's words made the others a little disappointed. They also wanted to accompany her, but thinking that they didn't seem to be able to help, they still went out
  • Ma Jiaqi and Gu Tianxi were the only two people left in the bedroom
  • majiaqi
    Sweet Hee
  • Ma Jiaqi's voice is gentle
  • It was so gentle that Gu Tianxi let down her guard, but she still took off her underwear, then protected her belly and put her pants aside
  • Ma Jiaqi walked over, picked up the pants and went into the bathroom to wash her pants
  • Gu Tianxi didn't know why he went to the bathroom, but he waited for a long time without waiting for anyone
  • I got out of bed and sneaked to the bathroom to see, but found that the teacher was washing his underwear, and I felt warm
  • Teacher Pony is so gentle and likes such a boy
  • He knows a lot, is gentle and considerate, and is a boy who can give people a sense of security
  • When the man finished washing her pants, she hung them on a hanger
  • Gu Tianxi sneaked back to the original position of the bed, when Ma Jiaqi had already brought her a new pair of trousers
  • gutianxi
    You can do it today.
  • This time she was very active, probably moved
  • Just trying to repay him
  • majiaqi
    Menstrual periods are not allowed.
  • majiaqi
    Infect bacteria
  • Ma Jiaqi rejected her request
  • This is also the first time Gu Tianxi has been rejected. I always feel that Ma Jiaqi is looking for an excuse to prevaricate her
  • Gu Tianxi's expression is very lost
  • majiaqi
    Sweet Hee
  • majiaqi
    Look, I'll teach you to use an aunt towel
  • majiaqi
    First tear open the packaging bag, take out the sanitary napkin and unfold it, then tear off the paper tape on the back of the sanitary napkin (this paper tape is to prevent the sanitary napkin from adhering during packaging, and has no other use. You can throw it away after tearing it off), and put the sanitary napkin. Glue it on the crotch of the panties facing the quasi-panties.
  • Ma Jiaqi taught Gu Tianxi while operating
  • gutianxi
    Are you the only one among them who has menarche?
  • Ma Jiaqi taught so much detail and knew everything
  • In her opinion, only the teacher has had menarche, and the others have not yet
Digging 087. Intimate Ma Jiaqi