TNT: Stars and Moon - StarAndMoon / 85. Better is yet to come
TNT: Stars and Moon - StarAndMoon
  • After a long time, Chen Sixu's wedding was scheduled for April, and he sent Zhang Zhenyuan an invitation letter, April 16, a good day. Zhang Zhenyuan excused himself from being busy and gave a thick letter of money with Happy Newlyweds written on the back
  • Song Yaxuan and Liu Yaowen were still indignant. They were angry again when they heard that Chen Sixu got married, and it was Zhang Zhenyuan who came out to make a round of it. But why did Song Yaxuan keep pushing the schedule recently and give himself a vacation just after his 20th birthday?
  • dingchengxin
    "How long are you going to give yourself a vacation?"
  • Ding Chengxin propped his chin and asked Song Yaxuan, this child is not very active in work. Song Yaxuan looked at the calendar and there was still time. Liu Yaowen and He Junlin were preparing a new series recently, and Yan Haoxiang also found some things to do., everyone's life is slowly getting better
  • hejunlin
    "Let's go see the stars"
  • The small rooftop of Zhang Zhenyuan's house is especially suitable for going out to watch the stars at night. When everyone was lying down and had nothing to do, He Junlin suddenly suggested. Song Yaxuan was the first to respond, and he and He Junlin have a very good relationship now
  • majiaqi
    "Ah Cheng and I will go up later"
  • Ding Chengxin and Ma Jiaqi looked at each other and asked them to go up to play first, he still had important things to do. Zhang Zhenyuan didn't have time to ask, so he was pushed up by them, and his hand was held down as soon as he touched the switch
  • yanhaoxiang
    "Don't turn on the lights"
  • yanhaoxiang
    "To see the stars"
  • If the lights are on, and the lights are brighter than the stars, what's the point? The lights of thousands of houses in the city always want to replace the starlight to illuminate the night. Yan Haoxiang accidentally saw the starry sky in the countryside photographed by the photographer last time in a magazine. He was born in the city and has never seen that kind of scene. It is rare that the sky is clear today, there are so many stars, and the moon is dazzling
  • Zhang Zhenyuan looked up at the stars, his eyes were a little sore, he didn't know how happy that person was today, but suddenly his eyes were covered by a pair of hands, and the Happy Birthday song came from him. A birthday hat was fastened on his head before he released it, and Ding Chengxin and Ma Jiaqi held the cake in one hand
  • songyaxuan
    "Happy birthday, Brother Zhang!"
  • Song Yaxuan is not bad as a singer, and his voice can be loud, and then they are also very unsteady, thank you, like entering the Huaguo Mountain. Candles illuminated each of their faces, candles were more intoxicating than stars, Zhang Zhenyuan blew out the candles, and his hands were dipped in cream and smeared on his face
  • After enough trouble, seven people leaned on the edge of the fence to watch the exterior, the stars and lights, and the fireworks and dreams. Yan Haoxiang put his hand on He Junlin's shoulder, and He Junlin suddenly said a very sour love story
  • hejunlin
    "You are my star"
  • yanhaoxiang
    "You are my moon"
  • Originally, there was no logic in a sentence, but after Yan Haoxiang did this, He Junlin felt embarrassed. Fortunately, it didn't last long. Zhang Zhenyuan next to him generously sent them a sentence
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "Stinky couple"
  • majiaqi
    "Brother Zhang, better will be behind"
  • liuyaowen
    "You still have us now"
  • Zhang Zhenyuan admitted that these six people are really noisy at ordinary times and they are sometimes annoying. Ma Jiaqi and Ding Chengxin are almost fifty years old and they are so naive, and they even take themselves astray. But there is really something, and the people who really accompany them are them
  • zhangzhenyuan
  • Song Yaxuan asked Ding Chengxin to help and took a back photo of him and Liu Yaowen, a very daily and natural photo, but the hand he secretly held was still found
  • /////////////
  • He Junlin took Yan Haoxiang and Liu Yaowen to a welfare home together. After explaining the purpose of the visit to the dean, he was taken to a classroom, where the children did everything
  • Those who walked along the wall, painted, read books, and looked at the toys in a daze, but most of them still painted. He Junlin also heard Yan Haoxiang mention it by chance, and he remembered this matter. Society's awareness and tolerance for autism is still low. If you can use the paintings of children with autism as designs and turn them into a new series, more people will be able to recognize autism
  • Every time they finished painting, they would be collected by the teacher. Whether the series could be printed this time determined whether the branch was valuable or not. Liu Yaowen paid special attention. Although he had negotiated an endorsement with Song Yaxuan, he still had infinite worries. After that, He Junlin found that Yan Haoxiang didn't seem to be that happy
  • hejunlin
    "What's wrong with you?"
  • hejunlin
    "Why are you unhappy?"
85. Better is yet to come