TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / Zhang Zhenyuan St. 29: Smuggling Sea Salt (members add more x1)
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
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  • And it was during these few steps that a storm was going on in Shen Ru Yi's mind.
  • She remembered Zhang Zhenyuan's disgust at Min Anlai, and the day she didn't rest that night...
  • There is only one answer!
  • However, he still needed to confirm...
  • shenruyi
    "Your Majesty, is this punishment... not good?"
  • The meaning of this pause is that it is not easy to call Min Anlai by his name, but he understands the meaning.
  • Zhang Zhenyuan raised his head, looked at Shen Ruyi for a while, and then said
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "Do you still remember that time when I didn't come here for dinner?"
  • shenruyi
    "The concubine remembers, but what does it have to do with it..."
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "That day, Min Anlai's father came."
  • Min Anlai's father?? Isn't Lord Min just a local prefect in Jiangnan, not in the capital... why are you here?
  • However, what he thought was true that no one else said it himself. Shen Ru Yi stared at Zhang Zhenyuan intently, waiting for the following.
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "The scene that day was like this..."
  • -
  • longtao
    "The subordinate has seen the emperor!"
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "How did Aiqing come all the way from Jiangnan today?"
  • It means that there is no advance report or letter notification, who allows you to come to the capital, this is called leaving the post without authorization.
  • That Master Min touched the sweat on his forehead, and when he raised his head, his face was full of loyalty
  • longtao
    "Recently, I found someone in Jiangnan..."
  • Master Min looked around, Zhang Zhenyuan frowned slightly and waved his hand to let the irrelevant person go down.
  • longtao
    "Smuggling sea salt!"
  • Smuggling sea salt is a big crime that kills the head. Zhang Zhenyuan immediately stared, and the emperor's aura that was restrained around him burst out in an instant.
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "How dare you!"
  • When Master Min heard this, he immediately nodded and bowed to take credit, with a flattering expression on his face
  • longtao
    "Just two days ago, the subordinate caught the fish that slipped through the net and handed it over to the yamen to deal with it."
  • -
  • shenruyi
    "It's nothing, invite a merit, why make you so angry, the emperor?"
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "That's not his point. Taking credit is just a ploy."
  • Zhang Zhenyuan paused, picked up the tea next to him and took a sip.
  • His expression was indifferent, but his eyes were already full of killing intent.
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "I never thought that after I complimented him a few words and rewarded him with some things, those who didn't know how to be polite would start to ask and go to court."
  • zhangzhenyuan
    "Do you really take yourself seriously?"
  • As an emperor, Zhang Zhenyuan should not have said such directional and clear words and such vulgar names, but he can relax in Shen Ru Yi.
  • shenruyi
    "So, Your Majesty, what happened?"
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  • songqianan
    I met a rich woman! Thanks to Bien Yunyin Lighting for a one-year membership!! Add progress (1/8)
  • songqianan
    Is there a rich woman who is about to expire and is ready to renew? Look at the children? Click on members to add more
  • songqianan
    Laughing to death, I saw a beautiful woman say if Min Anlai climbed into bed. I really wanted to write like this at first
  • songqianan
    But are you surprised or not, the answer to this chapter has not come out yet?
Zhang Zhenyuan St. 29: Smuggling Sea Salt (members add more x1)