TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / New Year's Welfare Extra part2.
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
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  • < Song Yaxuan: Actually I like you >
  • - No.
  • Gu Senli frowned and tried to think back to a long time ago, but he really couldn't remember.
  • It seemed like... In Gu Senli's youth, Song Yaxuan could be seen everywhere.
  • What was their relationship like...
  • Above friends, but below lovers?
  • It's impossible to say that they have no feelings for each other. But there is one word - brother, which is the biggest gap between them.
  • They are just brothers.
  • songyaxuan
    "Gu Senli? What are you thinking about?"
  • gusenli
    "Ah... ah?"
  • Gu Senli's thoughts were interrupted by Song Yaxuan's voice. It turned out that Song Yaxuan had come back at some point.
  • Looking at Gu Senli's somewhat confused eyes, Song Yaxuan was puzzled, but didn't ask.
  • He just took away the workbook in front of Gu Senli, and raised a three-point admiration, three-point gratitude, and four-point adoration look at the girl.
  • songyaxuan
    "Love you to death!"
  • gusenli
    "Okay, don't be poor."
  • The relationship between Gu Senli and Song Yaxuan is like this.
  • Obviously in front of everyone is the closest person, but in fact, there is an insurmountable gap between the two.
  • Gu Senli and Song Yaxuan both thought they would continue like this, but not until the transfer student appeared.
  • liuyaowen
    "Hello everyone, my name is Liu Yaowen, new here."
  • Gu Senli looked at the bright young man on the podium. He didn't know when he was infected by that energetic smile, and he even laughed slowly.
  • He's handsome.
  • Looking at Gu Senli's nymphomaniac expression, Song Yaxuan curled his lips in disgust, and the words were sour that he didn't even notice.
  • songyaxuan
    "It looks like that, it's really superficial."
  • gusenli
    "What do you know, we girls like this kind of sunny and handsome boy. It's not like you, who can only skin all day long."
  • Gu Senli murmured without thinking too much.
  • Her attention was not on Song Yaxuan now, but...
  • She seemed to have made eye contact with Liu Yaowen just now? Is that true?
  • gusenli
    "Song Yaxuan, did you see it? He just looked at me. God, he's so handsome..."
  • Gu Senli held his cheek with his hand, and his expression was almost the same as that of the nymphomaniac girls.
  • The teacher pointed at the position behind Gu Senli and motioned for Liu Yaowen to sit there, which caused almost all the girls in the class to cry.
  • "God, Mr. Gu is so lucky, surrounded by handsome guys!"
  • "Yes, I'm envious of Mr. Gu to death."
  • Gu Senli has a hot personality, so she has a good relationship with girls in the class. She likes to let others call her Mr. Gu.
  • Liu Yaowen smiled and nodded at Gu Senli instead of saying hello. Long Legs took a few steps and arrived behind Gu Senli.
  • liuyaowen
    "Hello, little sister, from now on, it will be the front and rear tables~"
  • gusenli
    "You, hello, my name is Gu Senli, you can also call me Mr. Gu..."
  • Gu Senli hadn't come out of the excitement of looking at each other just now. Now that he saw that this boy had actually done it behind him, he didn't mention how excited he was. This was the first time she had spoken, and Song Yaxuan knew it.
  • liuyaowen
    "Ahem, Mr. Gu? You?"
  • Hearing the title'Master Little Gu ', Liu Yaowen almost spat out a mouthful of saliva. This little girl? Master Little Gu?
  • I don't know why this kind of ridicule can easily make the relationship between the two become intimate. The male god filter in front of Gu Senli instantly turned into a straight male filter, and the heart love in his eyes turned into disgust in a blink of an eye.
  • gusenli
    "That's right, it's just me. If you like to call or not, I won't pay attention to you if you don't call."
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New Year's Welfare Extra part2.