TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / Ma Jiaqi St. 7: Royal Model
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
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  • majiaqi
    "Just call me Ma Jiaqi."
  • chujinghe
    "Okay... Mr. Ma bought so many flowers..."
  • majiaqi
    "For you."
  • chujinghe
    "Sir, this..."
  • majiaqi
    "Don't think too much, I'm actually a painter. I just saw that Miss, you are extraordinary, so I want to ask you to be my royal model."
  • chujinghe
    "Blame me for being abrupt, of course."
  • Ma Jiaqi treats Chu Jinghe and Shen Ru Yi differently after all. He thinks that Shen Ru Yi belongs to him, so he naturally thinks that Shen Ru Yi should listen to him.
  • But Chu Jinghe is different.
  • Just where Shen Ruyi didn't know, Ma Jiaqi and Chu Jinghe had added WeChat to each other.
  • feifei
    [Ma Jiaqi's Favorite-40, now 45]
  • Shen Ru Yi, who was still asleep, was stunned when she heard this information. She just slept like this and her feelings could be reduced, and that is so typical of him???
  • Rubbing her fluffy hair, Shen Ru Yi sat up. Mei was currently full of irritability.
  • shenruyi
    "What's 40 less??"
  • feifei
    [The host is not good! Ma Jiaqi saw the heroine!]
  • shenruyi
    "Oh... oh!?"
  • feifei
    [So I just added 40 to my crush on the heroine, and naturally I will lose 40 to you]
  • Shen Ruyi, whose head was still groggy, couldn't wake up anymore now.
  • Immediately calm down and think about the strategy.
  • At this time, there was a door opening sound.
  • Shen Ruyi immediately switched to the character of the original owner, and trotted to the door with a head of fluffy hair
  • Ma Jiaqi is changing his shoes with breakfast.
  • shenruyi
    "Qi Qi!"
  • Shen Ruyi hugged Ma Jiaqi's shoulder and jumped onto his waist, rubbed his neck affectionately with his head, and asked him questions with a smile, just like a pair of intimate little couples.
  • shenruyi
    "Qi Qi, where have you been? I didn't even see you when I got up. You scared me to death!"
  • shenruyi
    "Did you buy this breakfast for me, Qi Qi is so good!"
  • Shen Ruyi glanced at the breakfast, then kissed Ma Jiaqi's face.
  • If you want to ask Ma Jiaqi why he still bought breakfast, it is also due to Shen Ruyi's weight in Ma Jiaqi's heart.
  • After adding contact information with Chu Jinghe, Ma Jiaqi thought for a long time and was still going to buy a breakfast for Shen Ruyi.
  • And the reason for myself is that after all, I created it myself, so I still can't be hungry.
  • Ma Jiaqi didn't think about it at all, and he didn't want to think about why he knew that Shen Ru Yi was not that woman, but he still cared about her thoughts.
  • majiaqi
    "Yes, I bought it for you. Alright, let's go have breakfast?"
  • Looking at the girl's bright smile, Ma Jiaqi unconsciously said these words gently, and he didn't know why he suddenly became more enthusiastic when he saw Shen Ru Yi smiling at him.
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  • songqianan
    "Added progress: (6/11) "
  • songqianan
    "I'm really bald."
  • songqianan
    "During the semester, it is normal to update once a day, and the manuscript will be updated on weekends."
Ma Jiaqi St. 7: Royal Model