TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / Ma Jiaqi St. 26: Manor (members plus updates)
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
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  • It was really fast to say that the days were fast, and two weeks passed. Ma Jiaqi was even more mysterious these days. Every time he secretly carried Shen Ru Yi and fiddled with something he didn't know what it was.
  • If it wasn't for looking at the favorable value, Shen Ru Yi would really think that Ma Jiaqi went out to find a beautiful girl.
  • shenruyi
    "Ma Jiaqi..."
  • majiaqi
    "What's the matter, what's the matter, I'll make a call later..."
  • Today is Shen Ruyi's birthday, but Ma Jiaqi is still on the phone this morning.
  • Originally, the mood during pregnancy was very easy to fluctuate, and Shen Ruyi was pampered by Ma Jiaqi into a delicate one, and he ignored people when he inserted his small waist and shook his hair.
  • Ma Jiaqi, who came back from the phone call, wanted to cry without tears.
  • The call was originally made to ensure that Shen Ru Yi's birthday and his "preparations" were foolproof, but the little girl was not happy after the call.
  • Ma Jiaqi coaxed Shen Ruyi from left to right without taking a look.
  • Looking at the watch, he slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, um, it's time.
  • Quietly approaching Shen Ru Yi, a black ribbon appeared in his hand, covering Shen Ru Yi's eyes violently.
  • shenruyi
  • majiaqi
    "It's me."
  • shenruyi
    "What are you doing? Why am I angry? Hurry up and take it away from me!"
  • Shen Ruyi had a hot temper, but Ma Jiaqi didn't care.
  • majiaqi
    "I'm sorry, I can't obey my orders~"
  • Ma Jiaqi's voice was very magnetic, and she said it in her ear. Shen Ru Yi shook her shoulders uncomfortably, and she really didn't have a temper anymore.
  • A vague feeling of being taken with a car, Shen Ru Yi did not remember the way can only rely on Ma Jiaqi's hand to maintain a sense of security.
  • shenruyi
    "Let's not talk about anything else, just tell me where we're going secretly."
  • Shen Ruyi and Ma Jiaqi discussed, but it seemed that Ma Jiaqi's mouth was very tight.
  • Shen Ruyi had no way, so she could only wrap her arms around Ma Jiaqi tightly, her head resting on him, and she could only vaguely hear Ma Jiaqi's chuckle.
  • When the place arrived, Ma Jiaqi took Shen Ru Yi from the car, gently pulled off the ribbon, and said with a smile
  • majiaqi
    "This is my gift to you."
  • Ma Jiaqi did not know when to change into a pure white suit, and now he is more like a prince waiting for a princess.
  • Get out of the way, and large clusters of flowers are revealed, which turns out to be a private manor.
  • All kinds of flowers scrambled to stick their heads out. It was spring, and many flowers had already bloomed.
  • Shen Ruyi unconsciously saw in the distance, as if there was a small corridor, where it was shiny, but Ma Jiaqi sold Guan Zi and insisted on taking her to see it in person later.
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  • songqianan
    Sorry, my fault.
  • songqianan
    This chapter still has no end.
  • songqianan
    I'm still wondering if the next chapter will take a little longer and then finish the text in the next chapter
  • songqianan
    Finally, thanks to "Fan Youchi." Beauty's one-month membership!! Mom kicks!!!
  • songqianan
Ma Jiaqi St. 26: Manor (members plus updates)