TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / He Junlin St. 6: The Same Room (Second Watch)
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
  • - No.
  • He Junlin was a little surprised, but was quickly replaced by possessiveness; they vampires never care about how others feel.
  • What you want, you must be held tightly in your hand, this is the truth that was instilled at birth.
  • Although Shen Ruyi has become a small exception to the plan, He Junlin believes it will not last long.
  • How long can the freshness of a woman last?
  • With such an idea, He Junlin also had a lot of confidence in his words.
  • hejunlin
    "It's impossible to leave, just stay here obediently"
  • hejunlin
    "But I became interested in you, so you..."
  • hejunlin
    "I'm honored to be placed next door to where I live"
  • He Junlin's slag Su male accent came back again. He slowly sorted out the gold wire cufflinks on his cuffs, and the silver-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose reflected a sharp light.
  • He Junlin turned around, and the two doormen guarding the door had an arm of Shen Ru Yi and dragged Shen Ru Yi behind He Junlin.
  • The corridor was dark, with only a faint candle flickering;
  • Cold and lonely, just like Shen Ru Yi now.
  • Turning one corridor after another, rotating stairs, the facilities began to become more and more sophisticated.
  • When He Junlin stopped, the corridor had been framed with various famous paintings, with velvet red carpets under his feet, and skeleton masks and rose-gold lamp holders hanging on the walls.
  • He Junlin walked into a door and signaled that the two doormen could loosen Shen Ru Yi.
  • Shen Ru Yi, who had been covering her mouth and couldn't say a word just now, glared angrily and stared at the man with a hint of a smile in front of her.
  • hejunlin
    "Xiaoyi, don't stare at me like that, I'll be scared."
  • hejunlin
    "Doesn't Xiaoyi like it here? It's so beautiful here."
  • hejunlin
    "Why do you keep looking at me, do you want to sleep in the same room as me?"
  • He Junlin looked jokingly at the blushing girl in front of him who was molested by him. Why didn't he find Shen Ruyi so cute before?
  • shenruyi
    "No one will like you!"
  • Shen Ruyi stared at He Junlin viciously, and spit out a sentence that he thought was fierce; but in He Junlin's eyes, it was a burnt Persian cat.
  • feifei
    [He Junlin's favor + 15, now 15]
  • Shen Ruyi couldn't figure it out, where did He Junlin like to hang it?
  • It made him feel bad before, but now it made him feel good again? Does he like being bullied???
  • Shen Ru Yi was still confused about the front foot, but an idea came out of his head at the back. If this is really the case, it will be very difficult...
  • Every good impression He Junlin adds now is actually clear in his heart.
  • People who are too rational can clearly find their emotions in their hearts.
  • Before being innocuous, he could unscrupulously give Shen Ru Yi a good impression; but as long as it involved what was really important to him,
  • For example, power and status, human territory, or the woman he really likes, then these good feelings will drop significantly.
  • In layman's terms, Shen Ruyi is actually an optional plaything in He Junlin's eyes. When she is happy, she is cinnabar mole, and when she is unhappy, she is mosquito blood.
  • - No.
  • songqianan
  • songqianan
    Into the skirt:
  • songqianan
    Is there a rich woman who is about to expire and is ready to renew? Look at the children? Click on members to add more
He Junlin St. 6: The Same Room (Second Watch)