TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / He Junlin St. 5: Marry Him (1 more)
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
  • - No.
  • shenruyi
    "Stop talking. I know everything, and don't think about those impossible things."
  • Shen Ru Yi covered her face and turned her head to the window; without answering He Junlin, the two sat quietly for two minutes. In this interval, Shen Ru Yi turned the skill to 3.
  • In the end, He Junlin really couldn't stand it anymore, and tugged at Shen Ru Yi's sleeve.
  • hejunlin
    "You speak clearly."
  • At this moment, the emotion that Shen Ru Yi had been brewing had finally reached a critical point. She turned around and slapped He Junlin on the face with a slap.
  • The eyes were red, and the broken tears fell like pearls.
  • At this moment, He Junlin was stunned for a long time. He covered his beaten face and looked at the girl in front of him who was crying like water.
  • Did she just... hit me?
  • Didn't Shen Ru Yi always follow behind him, the little girl of the left brother and the right brother?
  • And why, when I saw her tears, I wanted to dry her tears.
  • Was his goal not clear enough? Did he... have another idea?
  • hejunlin
    "Shen Ruyi..."
  • shenruyi
    "Don't call me by my name!"
  • Shen Ruyi was like a sea urchin with fried hair. Her eyes, nose, and face were all red.
  • Because these days have not enough to eat and can not shine the sun, Shen Ruyi's body is as thin as stunted;
  • The cold white skin is now even more pale and distressing.
  • The weak body stood in front of He Junlin, as if the slap just now exhausted all his strength;
  • Swaying leisurely, as if the next second will be hypoglycemia fainted.
  • shenruyi
    "He Junlin... let me go."
  • Shen Ruyi finally raised her head. Her soft, hoarse voice was extremely distressing.
  • There was still a hint of crying in Wu Nong's soft words, which made He Junlin want to rub her into his arms fiercely.
  • He Junlin did exactly that.
  • hejunlin
    "I, sorry... I..."
  • He Junlin didn't know why he was like this.
  • He only knew that when he looked at Shen Ruyi for the first time, he began to regret his plan.
  • He doesn't want one? Human territory.
  • He decided,
  • As long as Shen Ruyi's elder brother is willing to marry Shen Ruyi, then he will not attack the human race.
  • As long as Shen Ruyi is always by his side, then he has nothing to say.
  • feifei
    [He Junlin's favor + 35, now 0; Sickness value + 50, now 50]
  • Shen Ruyi: Yes, it was quite sudden...
  • Shen Ruyi listened to the data and was going to be a little better for He Junlin, but as soon as Feifei explained what He Junlin was thinking, Shen Ruyi was not happy.
  • She struggled fiercely, and shook off He Junlin's hand like crazy;
  • Stubborn to hold back the tears in her eyes and unwilling to leave, the girl resolutely guarded her final bottom line.
  • He Junlin was a little surprised, but was quickly replaced by possessiveness; they vampires never care about how others feel.
  • What you want, you must be held tightly in your hand, this is the truth that was instilled at birth.
  • Although Shen Ruyi has become a small exception to the plan, He Junlin believes it will not last long.
  • - No.
  • songqianan
  • songqianan
    Is there a rich woman who is about to expire and is ready to renew? Look at the children? Click on members to add more
He Junlin St. 5: Marry Him (1 more)