TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / He Junlin St. 25: This time I'm serious (two more)
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
  • - No.
  • Only then did Shen Ruyi get up from He Junlin's arms and look at the man with an indignant expression.
  • The little pink fist lightly hit the shoulder, like a kitten tickling.
  • hejunlin
    "Why am I unhappy? Where am I unhappy? At most, I want to lock you in the room and never come out again."
  • He Junlin glanced lightly at Shen Ru Yi, who was pitifully spreading coquettish beside him, and sneered.
  • The little girl also asked him why he was unhappy? I don't know what * I've done?
  • Hugging and hugging bamboo horses that are not related by blood, are you still getting started?
  • Damn, the action of wiping tears really wants to be an idol drama, he is like the Fa Hai who broke up the couple.
  • Eat pretty girls, right?
  • He Junlin thought that he was not ugly either, how did Shen Ruyi run over and the tears flowed out, as if he had bullied the little girl.
  • It wasn't bullying before, there was a bed and food. Don't mention the past.
  • hejunlin
    "I told the truth, I'm jealous."
  • Finally, He Junlin, who was impatient with the little girl, turned his head and looked at Shen Ruyi seriously
  • hejunlin
    "I'm serious this time."
  • hejunlin
    "I'm really tempted."
  • Shen Ruyi said nothing but that He Junlin's confession was in such a scene.
  • People scum, unsincere confessions can be solemn like weddings, romantic like idol dramas, how can this be sincere...
  • Instead, it looks so cheap.
  • Shen Ruyi suspected that He Junlin was lying.
  • shenruyi
    "Really... really? You were hugging Auntie yesterday."
  • The little girl was not surprised and surprised as she imagined, but poked herself in disbelief, and took yesterday as an example.
  • He Junlin simply coughed and looked away.
  • How could he know why he suddenly confessed impulsively, as if...
  • He suddenly panicked.
  • It may be the surprise when the little girl hears the names of Zhu Zhixin and Shen Tanzhi, or when the little girl hugs Zhu Zhixin and cries, or when she pleases herself.
  • It felt like... she and Zhu Zhixin were a couple, and they didn't have that enthusiasm for themselves at all.
  • That's right, that's the word, please.
  • It seems that if Shen Ruyi doesn't please him, he will deeply isolate her from the world in the next second, or tear Zhu Zhixin to shreds.
  • Maybe he really will.
  • But anyway, it was such a rubbish thing, and as a result, he seemed to be moved.
  • hejunlin
    "I'm serious, I'm jealous, so I know I'm in love with you."
  • hejunlin
    "Really, it's not like playing with Wen Yuchu."
  • hejunlin
    "I admit that I have the element of gambling, but now it is really different from before. I want to give you the sense of security you expect... me"
  • He Junlin had never been so eager to get an answer.
  • It was the first time he had abandoned the calmness and composure he had ever had.
  • He couldn't wait to tell Shen Ruyi how good he was and how much he liked her, and he wanted to be with this little girl.
  • Zhu Zhixin really made him panic. It was the first time he felt that a woman was out of his control.
  • hejunlin
    "I really like you. I really..."
  • -
  • songqianan
    I haven't had a member for a few days, and it's not good to add more
  • songqianan
    Added progress: (13/20)
  • songqianan
He Junlin St. 25: This time I'm serious (two more)