TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / He Junlin St. 18: Don't mess with my mentality
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
  • - No.
  • He Junlin looked at him at a loss as if Shen Ru Yi suddenly exploded in front of him. He had never encountered such a situation. The girls he hooked up with before were so obedient...
  • Originally, I wanted to try a spicy taste, but it didn't take long for the original owner to give up; I just wanted to give up and concentrate on the plan, but she changed again; after the change, the good guy is even more ruthless!
  • hejunlin
    "No, no... she wants to get close to me, she wants to replace her mother, she wants to pester me, really."
  • Shen Ruyi was almost speechless, good guy.
  • But Shen Ruyi couldn't say it, and her affection for what she said was gone.
  • shenruyi
    "Really... great."
  • shenruyi
    "Then I'll forgive you."
  • Shen Ru Yi pouted, her heart was extremely disgusted with her current self. The words that came out of her mouth were definitely not Little Green Tea!?
  • I'm sure it's her Master Shen!!
  • But Shen Ruyi also sighed with emotion in just a few seconds. After all, he did this job.
  • shenruyi
    "But, but..."
  • hejunlin
    "What's wrong?"
  • shenruyi
    "That sister looks so fierce, can you stop asking her to come in the future..."
  • Dude, are you sure it's not green tea?
  • Shen Ru Yi curled her small mouth, and the little fleshy hand grabbed He Junlin's clothes and kept rubbing it, and the velvet was crumpled.
  • Shen Ru Yi hung her head, her eyes blinking everywhere Don't open He Junlin's flirting eyes, she was cute to death.
  • But how could He Junlin let it go, the man stepped forward violently, but he just raised the girl's chin and zhuo zhuo her small mouth.
  • hejunlin
    "Hmm... but I think she's pretty good? She's not very fierce... Maybe you should communicate more?"
  • He Junlin pretended to carelessly play with Shen Ru Yi's hair, but in fact he was happily watching Shen Ru Yi's performance.
  • Shen Ruyi inhaled and exhaled in her heart for several breaths before putting on a suitable expression.
  • Xiaozui rolled his eyes and glared, and suddenly there was a layer of water mist in the grape eyes covered with He Junlin.
  • The small round nose turned red all of a sudden, and Shen Ru Yi looked at He Junlin pitifully.
  • He Junlin suddenly felt a cluster of flames rising from his lower abdomen. No matter how he was extinguished, he couldn't extinguish it. On the contrary, it was getting bigger and bigger.
  • shenruyi
    "He Junlin! You won't, won't really..."
  • The little girl frowned, stuttered in a hurry, grabbed He Junlin's sleeve in a hurry, and stared at He Junlin with burning eyes.
  • hejunlin
    "Not what?"
  • shenruyi
    "Don't mess with my mentality, you won't really like that ugly woman..."
  • Shen Ru Yi's tears were about to burst into his eyes, but this time He Junlin was happy to see it. Because these tears were shed for him.
  • He Junlin finally straightened his attitude, grabbed Shen Ru Yi's waist, and pulled it into his arms. The distance between the two suddenly became much closer.
  • The man approached the little girl's white and creamy neck step by step, and the next second he stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked it lightly, but fortunately he didn't bite it.
  • -
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  • songqianan
He Junlin St. 18: Don't mess with my mentality