TNT: Sickness is a good strategy / Ding Chengxin St. 25: Surprise
TNT: Sickness is a good strategy
  • shenruyi
    "Why did you suddenly thank me?"
  • dingchengxin
    "Nothing, I just want to thank you."
  • Thank you for finally pulling me out of the abyss.
  • Ding Chengxin lowered his head and pursed his lips and smiled, stunning Shen Ru Yi and time.
  • shenruyi
    "Let's go, go to the Ferris wheel."
  • The two of them were at peace with each other along the way, but neither of them felt any embarrassment.
  • On the top of the Ferris wheel, a pair of beautiful couples kissed each other, showing their love for each other without any hesitation.
  • When I walked out of the Ferris wheel, I was also sincerely blessed by several staff members.
  • - go home -
  • After a tired day, Ding Chengxin was taking a shower, while Shen Ru Yi had finished taking a shower and was lying on the sofa brushing her phone.
  • Halfway through the brush, Shen Ru Yi suddenly sat up and widened her eyes, looked at the bathroom door, stopped thinking about the footsteps of knocking on the door, and thought for a while.
  • shenruyi
    "Isn't this a good opportunity to get a good impression? Let me think about it..."
  • It didn't take long for the bathroom door to be opened, and Shen Ru Yi's target was just locked on the person who came out, and she was stunned.
  • The hair is wet on the forehead, messy but aesthetically pleasing;
  • The towel lay lazily over his shoulders, with the neckline slightly open.
  • Red lips and white teeth, foggy eyes,
  • The boy walked in with a smile and hugged the girl who was stunned on the sofa.
  • dingchengxin
    "What's wrong?"
  • shenruyi
    "You look good!"
  • Shen Ruyi couldn't help but say what was in her heart, how could a boy look so monstrous.
  • Like a vixen.
  • Shen Ru Yi hugged Ding Chengxin's neck tightly, smiled, and then kissed the boy's red lips like jelly.
  • After a little taste, the little girl happily rubbed his chest with her head, and muttered
  • shenruyi
    "Earn this wave of blood!"
  • Ding Chengxin pampered the girl's hair buried in his chest and asked with a smile
  • dingchengxin
    "I saw you were a little excited just now, what good thing did you do behind my back?"
  • Shen Ruyi quickly got up from Ding Chengxin, her eyes sparkling
  • shenruyi
    "Don't think so badly of me, I'm happy because of the surprise!"
  • shenruyi
    "I won't say it first, guess what?"
  • dingchengxin
    "Well, I don't know, okay, Ru, can you tell me? Huh?"
  • Ding Chengxin pretended to tilt his head for a while, then pulled Shen Ruyi into his arms and asked with his head down
  • Shen Ruyi giggled and said mysteriously
  • shenruyi
    "Take a look at Weibo and you'll know."
  • Ding Chengxin was puzzled, but the actions of his subordinates didn't stop. One hand wrapped around Shen Ru Yi's waist, the other hand unlocked it with one hand and opened Weibo. He looked at Shen Ru Yi, who was smiling like a little fox, and clicked on the first hot search.
  • dingchengxin
    "Ice cream couple Internet celebrity cafe... what is this?"
  • shenruyi
    "Didn't you notice the photo, it's us!"
  • Seeing that Ding Chengxin was still dawdling, Shen Ruyi grabbed the phone in his hand, slid it onto a photo, and pointed.
  • Ding Chengxin looked at it carefully, not to mention that it was really them, wasn't this taken by the shop owner?
  • Shen Ruyi looked anxiously at Ding Chengxin, who was still slow and leisurely, quickly slipped to a sentence, and read it out according to it
  • shenruyi
    "The coffee shop owner would take a photo of the couple and post it on the coffee shop Weibo, and the couple was on fire"
  • shenruyi
    "It's us! The whole of China knows us!"
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Ding Chengxin St. 25: Surprise