TNT: Group pet brother pet non-stop
  • After breakfast, I took a taxi to the company. This time Song Yaxuan got his wish and sat next to Fu Yan, while Ding Chengxin was on the left of Fu Yan, and Yan Haoxiang was sitting in the co-pilot.
  • Being sandwiched between the two of them, Fu Yan didn't feel anything. He closed his eyes and wore earphones to listen to the song.
  • It is said that reading in the morning is the best, because at that time the memory is strong, remember.
  • The company may have heard this rumor and specially left the culture class in the morning.
  • There was a long table, and the chairs next to it were all their schoolbags. After Fu Yan came in, he went straight to his seat, opened his schoolbag and took out the math workbook. Before the teacher came, he did it himself.
  • I don't know if good grades are born, anyway, Fu Yan has never been second in school since he was a child, and he is not partial to subjects, and every subject is basically full marks.
  • Within ten minutes, all the homework assigned by the teacher was completed, and by the way, he wrote a little bit about what he didn't learn.
  • After finishing mathematics, it is Chinese, politics, chemistry, physics, and biology.
  • After writing the last word, the teacher just came in, and the time was just right.
  • This teacher teaches mathematics, and it is a little surprising to see that Fu Yan has learned all the knowledge points and completed other subjects.
  • Seeing him in a daze, the math teacher looked at Liu Yaowen next to him, pointed to Fu Yan and said.
  • shuxuelaoshi
    That, Fu Yan, Liu Yaowen's teacher hasn't come yet, you go and teach him first.
  • Because Liu Yaowen is only fifteen this year and is in junior high school, he usually does not take classes with them.
  • Fu Yan finally had something to do. He stretched and hugged Liu Yaowen's neck with a low voice.
  • fuyan
    There you go.
  • When they came to another lounge, the two sat side by side. Fu Yan stroked his sleeves, revealing his snow-white arms with graceful lines.
  • fuyan
    You do it first, don't ask me.
  • Liu Yaowen nodded lightly and did his homework obediently.
  • Fu Yan was playing leisurely with his mobile phone. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Liu Yaowen hunched over his back and his eyes were very close to the homework. He reached out and patted him on the back, and his voice was low.
  • fuyan
    Sit up straight, don't get too close, just one punch away.
  • Hearing this, Liu Yaowen raised his little head and sat upright.
  • Without holding on for a while, Liu Yaowen couldn't help but return to his original appearance.
  • fuyan
    Sit down and don't hunch over.
  • Fu Yan reminded him softly, put his arm around his waist, and straightened him.
  • Because Liu Yaowen's waist was a sensitive spot, the kind that blushed when he touched it. He twisted his waist uncomfortably, and his ears were red.
  • Seeing that he was not hunched over, Fu Yan let go of his hand and continued to play with his phone.
  • Ten minutes passed, Liu Yaowen's waist was very sore, and he wanted to relax. Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Fu Yan. Seeing that he was fascinated by playing, Liu Yaowen secretly relaxed his body, and he felt a little sleepy when he was comfortable.
  • Just before he had enjoyed it enough, Fu Yan's low and magnetic voice sounded in his ears.
  • fuyan
    Why is Wen Wen so bad? Does he have to be hugged by his brother to sit up straight? Um?
  • After saying that, he put his hand on his waist again, and Liu Yaowen straightened his body in an instant, not daring to move.
  • liuyaowen
    I, I can't change it for a while, Brother Yan~
  • Liu Yaowen tried to act like a spoiled fool, but Ling's small appearance really made Fu Yan a little soft-hearted.
  • fuyan
    When you change it, I'll take my hands off.
  • Liu Yaowen wrinkled his face and looked like he was about to cry. Fu Yan turned his head away from him and lowered his head to play with his phone with one hand.
  • It seemed that acting like a spoiled child was useless. Liu Yaowen sighed and had to keep this posture obediently.
  • After finishing the homework, Fu Yan told him some important knowledge points and must-take questions. Because he was close to Fu Yan's breath sprinkled on Liu Yaowen's face, itching.
  • It was almost an hour before the teacher came, but by this time Liu Yaowen had already learned the knowledge he wanted to learn, so he went to practice dancing with Fu Yan.
Ten group pets