Still With You Yoongie X You
  • " Min Yoongie or Suga of BTS was shot dead last night at their concert in Seoul. It was revealed by a fan present at the concert that he got shot while tying to block Jimin of BTS they also................."  someone turned of the TV and said." Woo  stop. Please........stop replaying this over and over again. No matter how hard we try he isn't coming back. I'm sorry. " "b...But Tae-hyun Unnie ... th this a  mis.. mistake. he Ca..can't be dead.  he j..just can't." Woo-young cried while hugging Tae-hyun. " I know this is hard to believe. Even I don't want to belive this but..... " saying that even she started crying. " he shouldn't have died. No one should have. Its not fair." Woo-young cried. " Imagine  the pain BTS must feel right  now. they lost their brother. Our pain is nothing compare to theirs. " said Namra.
  • Woo-young and was still crying. she was a big fan of Yoongie and BTS so much that she even wanted to became an idol and she did. She was the first Maldivian Kpop Idol. In her life she met Yoongie once in her life and since than he wasn't just her idol, she fell in love with him. so his death was very hard for her.
  • (1 year later. *sorry for the big time skip*.)
  • One year has passed since Yoongie's death. BTS has never being the same since but still they try their best for ARMYs. One year and still Woo-young loves Yoongie and never even thought about someone else. But she is acting happy hiding her pain from everyone. she has lots of fans by now.
  • Woo-young and her three other best friends didn't get debuted in one group. Woo-young debuted before them and they debuted together sometimes later. Woo- young was getting more and more popular by day, her cute visuals attracted lots of people and her rapping and singing skills was loved  by all but the most important thing that got people attracted to her was her sweet and kind personality. she has a welcoming and sweet personality which was hard to resist. she seemed happy and bright all the time but reality was not that. even though she was the most popular of the group she gets more hate and her teammates don't like her because they think she is stealing all the attention on purpose. sure they looked all sweet and cute on camera but off camera they wee nothing but bullies who made her life miserable.
  • Author:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi guys. hope you like this story and sorry I killed yoongie in this story. this chapter is a bit boring and short but I have to include the back ground of the main character. sorry there isn't much about BTS yet but I promise next chapter would include BTS  with more explanation of what happened with Yoongi. I'll update the stories every weekend. 😊💖
Chapter 1