Rebirth of Sadness Countercurrent into a River
  • Cross another river to the neighborhood.
  • Yi Yao had been there in someone else's car before, but it was the first time she had crossed the bridge on a bicycle. The neighboring area looked much lonely compared to the area where she lived, although there was also a subway passing by, and the road was wider. She took out a text message with the destination address marked on it, and reconfirmed the location of the apartment.
  • In fact, even if she saw the name of the place, she had no idea where it was in this district. Halfway through, she walked into the convenience store, bought some snacks, and plucked up the courage to ask the clerk who was billing for directions, only to learn that it would take about twenty minutes to get to the destination apartment from there. She had never cycled this far, and she inevitably started to feel uneasy halfway through.
  • Dong asked Xi Chacha, and finally found this tan building.
  • There is a park behind the building with log-assembled play equipment shaped like a combination of slides and dinosaurs.
  • Yi Yao climbed to the top of the slide and looked intently at the window of the estimated room.
  • The park is surrounded by tall trees, and the bright green leaves grow vigorously towards the sky. Yi Yao uses the gaps in the leaves to monitor the movement of the windows, and the shade above the log dinosaurs just keeps her from getting heatstroke. But if you stay there all the time, it may make the children who come to play and the adults with children suspicious. So she moved elsewhere very cautiously every once in a while.
  • Yi Yao was lucky, and he could see the window of that room from the swing, the bench, or from various places in the park. For the first hour, he only saw the heavy curtains in the window. After a while, the curtains swayed and were opened, and a man's face narrowed his eyes because of the harsh light outside appeared.
  • He was wearing a thin white T-shirt, his hair was messy when he just woke up, and the man scratching his head was Li Zhe. This is the first time in three years that she has carefully watched Li Zhe's face outside the school, and she felt her heart beating rapidly.
  • In fact, it is the relationship between the ex-boyfriend and the ex-girlfriend, and it is not entirely like this.
  • When he was young, Li Zhe could fight for Yi Yao. Yi Yao once thought that it was really for her. When he grew up, he found that he could fight for anyone. To be precise, he was just for himself.
  • This person obsessed with interests.
  • Therefore, youth has many passers-by, and everyone doesn't need to keep them with their hearts, just wait a little longer. Wait until you grow up and you can tell the difference.
  • Who is sincere, who is young and naive.
  • If you don't know love, don't call everything unfamiliar love.
  • Parallel missing and forgetting is what most people are doing, a process called growth.
  • Do not stick to the past, in order to see a new future.
Youth passerby