Rebirth of Sadness Countercurrent into a River
  • Yi Yao immediately reacted and tried to log in with one of the usernames and the common password of Qin Pei Pei's computer obtained by Zhong Yuan before, and the login was successful.
  •   Then log in with other usernames one by one, and they succeeded one by one. It turned out that except for a small number of Yi Yao's own relatives and friends, it was Qin Pei Pei's vest who was arguing vigorously on the forum.
  •   For a while, he supported Yi Yao, and for a while, he supported the side that hated Yi Yao. His position was diametrically opposed, like schizophrenia.
  • zhongyuan
    Why would she do that?
  •   Zhong Yuan's question, Yi Yao couldn't figure it out either.
  •   Recall the beginning and end of this turmoil at that time.
  •   Qin Pei Pei Pei's actions have intensified this dispute, and she is actually an outsider and has no interest in it.
  •   Like many netizens who like to abuse and scold for people or things that have nothing to do with them, they can't think of their purpose other than to vent their anger.
  •   Could it be that Qin Pei Pei, who had such a distorted personality, was accusing Qi Ming blindly?
  •   Is there any doubt about her bizarre skin disease, and more urgently, what is her mental illness?
  •   On Sunday afternoon, Yi Yao sat in the corner of the cafe and sifted through the hard drive containing the contents of Qin Pei Pei's computer again. One of the encrypted folders named "Ally Gossip" caught her attention.
  •   It's not a paparazzi who grabs the exclusive news, why encrypt the folder storing the star's data for no reason?
  •   Qin Pei Pei's computer level is limited, there is no copy protection, and the security of the password set is also very low, plus her common password, birthday, home phone number and other information for reference. The password this time is just a combination of several passwords interspersed and superimposed, and Yi Yao unlocked it in a while.
  •   Yi Yao clicked on the screenshots and documents one by one, gradually stunned.
  •   Among them, there is no gossip about the Korean star group, but it turned out to be all the information that Li Zhi, Zhong Yuan, Qi Ming and himself could find within the scope of the school.
  •   Campus news, department news, student files, family economic situation questionnaire, social practice records, sports test scores, physical exercise clock in records, campus card consumption records...
  •   Yi Yao's palms were sweating coldly, and he recorded each file on the napkin of the cafe about who and the date of creation. He checked the order of creation date and Li Zhi's death, but he didn't find any rules.
  •   Yi Yao couldn't understand why Qin Pei Pei wanted to investigate himself.
  •   Is it just out of curiosity about the competitors of campus influencers?
  •   But at that time, he had faded out of the core interpersonal circle of the school for a long time. In addition to making a rare appearance at school in class, Zhong Yuan did not reveal much about his personal relationship with him at school.
  •   Moreover, the time for the creation of pictures and documents about Yi Yao was concentrated on the long holiday after Yi Yao's college entrance examination.
  •   At that time, Yi Yao had not yet become her classmate, and the two did not know each other at all.
  •   This time period really made her feel uneasy.
  •   Qin Pei Pei's weirdness didn't stop there.
  •   When checking the property record creation time of an image, Yi Yao clicked on the "Summary" next to "General" in his hand, and found that the "Creation Software" column was written "Adobe Photoshop".
  •   Looking at the rest of the pictures, most of the people pictures saved from the campus network or forum have been Photoshopped.
  •   Yi Yao really can't see where it was PS, so he specially found the original picture on the Internet to compare it, and found that almost all of them were only adjusted to RGB, and the dark parts were brightened, trying to see any details on the picture clearly.
  •   This kind of paranoia really makes ordinary people feel creepy.
  •   Yi Yao couldn't help but laugh bitterly. Everyone said that "Yi Yao is a mystery". A character like Qin Pei Pei who is puzzling from head to toe is a mystery through the ages.
Personality distortion