Rebirth of Sadness Countercurrent into a River
  • gusenxi
  • gusenxi
    My girlfriend is really photogenic!
  • Gu Senxi carefully found a place with few people, took the camera with style, and pointed at Yi Yao in front of him to take a photo.
  • yiyao
    Okay, do I really look good like this?
  • Yi Yao touched his hair unnaturally.
  • gusenxi
    Remove the '? '
  • gusenxi
    My girlfriend, of course, is the best looking!
  • Gu Senxi's three sentences are inseparable from'my girlfriend '.
  • It was like three catties of honey was stuffed in his mouth.
  • In Yi Yao's trance, all kinds of things he saw in the theater just now appeared in front of him.
  • "The Origin of Plants"
  • There was complete and complete darkness all around.
  • No sun. No moon. No light. No lamp. No fire. No firefly. No candle.
  • There is nothing to produce light. The vast darkness that hangs over the overhead dome. And the sound of water close at hand that keeps lapping to the ears.
  • The sound of gurgling bubbles. A rustling sound from nowhere.
  • A sudden beam of light pierced the darkness.
  • When the submarine's searchlight cast a strong light on the bottom of this deep trench, the truth that had been buried all along emerged clearly.
  • The bubbling fiery red hot rock, even in the icy sea water, still glows dark red.
  • The erupted magma flowed more and more slowly, gradually solidifying into black lava.
  • The white thin tube wriggling on it is countless tube worms.
  • There are also white sea shrimp moving quickly on the rocks. Their shells were boiled red by the hot sea water. Even many feet were burned and mutilated.
  • They move busily and quickly, capturing nutrients that can be sucked in the toxic seawater that contains a lot of sulfuric acid.
  • In such a harsh environment.
  • But there is such a vigorous vitality.
  • Is it true that no matter how harsh the environment is, there are still creatures that can survive?
  • No matter how much pain you endure, corroded by sulfuric acid, boiled by boiling water, can you still survive?
  • So why suffer all this pain?
  • Just to survive?
  • gusenxi
    Girlfriend, don't get distracted.
  • Yi Yao rubbed his eyes and focused again. The complicated pictures in the film disappeared one by one, replaced by the familiar voice from Gu Senxi in front.
  • yiyao
  • Yi Yao responded.
  • The pace of running towards Gu Senxi was brisk.
  • A little harder and I'll be able to get closer to you.
  • Until you took my hand and said that you would take me to a colorful world that I have never seen before.
Origin of plants