Rebirth of Sadness Countercurrent into a River
  • Sure enough, after a year, they lived comfortably without any psychological burden.
  • They look back on their lives and feel that they are fine, and they feel that they have not done anything harmful.
  • Then why did Yi Yao die a year ago?
  • Isn't it to accuse them of disgusting people?
  • Didn't you tell them with your life that what they did and their bullying hands were the source of her death?
  • What went wrong. Why is nothing improving.
  • When a person dies, is it just an afterthought to liven up the atmosphere for them?
  • chenlili
    Bad luck, it's really bad luck!
  • chenlili
    What are you doing, splashing water well and bringing up that calamity again!
  • chengyu
    It's just... what about a year ago.
  • chengyu
    Bah bah bah.
  • Bad luck, disaster star.
  • Avoiding evil and seeking profit has become a human instinct, and indifference has become a common phenomenon.
  • gudan
    Enough of you...
  • gudan
    That's enough.
  • gudan
    Don't you feel ashamed?
  • gudan
    Don't you wake up from nightmares when you go to bed at night?
  • gudan
    When you say these vicious words, don't you fear retribution?!
  • gudan
    Anyway, I think I'm doing it wrong.
  • gudan
    If you make a mistake, change it, no one will laugh at you.
  • In fact, straighten your mind and say sorry to the dead end of the past. Really everything can have new changes.
  • Why not change it?
  • What did the bullied person do wrong, and how much hatred does it have to be treated like this?
  • chengyu
    Yi Yao is dead.
  • chengyu
    I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid.
  • Too many repetitions meant that he was still afraid.
  • Just like Tang Xiaomi, the more afraid she is, the more she will use the same means to bully others.
  • Balance your fear of killing someone by bullying others. This choice is wrong.
  • yiyao
    Don't become the second Tang Xiaomi, okay?
  • yiyao
    Now look at yourselves.
  • yiyao
    Afraid of being bullied by others, you will bully another person with your life. When will you realize this pathological chain?
  • gusenxi
    My girlfriend is right.
  • gusenxi
    Anyway, the environment is like this, every school is like this.
  • gusenxi
    Apathy, viciousness, jealousy, you are not clean at all.
  • The clean Gu Senxiang is no longer there.
  • She is like a delicate flower, and her smile is fragrant.
  • But what happens when it's too clean?
  • Therefore, Gu Senxi supported Yi Yao. If they wanted to fight, they would fight. They knew they were wrong.
  • Qi Ming always hoped that Yi Yao was clean, but that was the biggest difference between Yi Yao and Gu Senxiang after all.
  • Yi Yao is not clean.
  • She wants to dye her heart black.
  • She wants sharp teeth.
  • She wants to smooth the edges and corners.
  • She's going to be bigger than the monsters who bullied her.
  • Only in this way can she stand on a height they can't reach like today and let them experience their pain back then.
  • Even if this pain is less than one percent of what she was back then.
None of them are clean