Queen of Triads (BTS Mafia AU & Reader)
  • Two hours later, we arrived at Paul's residence, where all kinds of meetings were usually held. Xiao was already there with a small group of men who were to start working for us starting today. I greeted Paul warmly and stood in front of the assembled men, who greeted me and Lucas with a deep bow. I nodded to them and looked intently at each one of them. They all looked young and I could bet that they were not much younger than me. This surprised me a bit and I was increasingly curious about their motivations. I suspected that most of them were here only because they were hoping for easy and, above all, big money. The question was how many of them were aware of how easily they could lose their lives in the process.
  • - Welcome our new friends - Lucas greeted them with a slight smile - I'm glad that you wanted to join us in such large numbers. I hope that our cooperation will go well and with your help we will take over the rest of the districts of this beautiful city into our hands. And now I would like to introduce someone to you. You will be the first to have the honor of personally meeting your second boss or, rather, female boss.
  • He turned toward me, so I walked over to him and took a place at his side. I saw surprise on a few faces, but the others did not express much emotion. I expected such a reaction, so I completely ignored it and tried to look confident.
  • - I'm happy to meet you, and I, too, hope that our cooperation will be successful - I shifted my gaze around the gathered men - Before Xiao gives you the final information, I just want to tell you that you are the only ones who will be fully subordinate to me. And I will be the one who will mainly give you orders and punish you for your mistakes.
  • - What if someone doesn't want to take orders from a woman? - came to me a voice from the back of the group.
  • - It is not possible - Lucas overtook me - Y/n together with me is at the head of this group, so you will have to obey her, whether you like it or not. And if any of you have a problem with it, you will have to deal with me.
  • - Lucas, relax - I put my hand on his shoulder - we could have expected this. Although I didn't think there would be a coward in this group who would hide behind the backs of the others.
  • - I'm not a coward! - one of the men pushed his way to the front, poking a furious look at me.
  • - If you weren't one, you would have asked this question, standing in front of us and looking us straight in the eye - I took a step forward and stood in front of the man - you may or may not like it, but I will be your boss and I deserve respect.
  • - None of us will take orders from a woman! Such matters are handled only by men. Women are weak and they are the ones who should listen to us!
  • - Do you think so? - I smiled slightly and turned to the others - who among you still has such an opinion? Which of you will not want to follow a woman's orders? Come on, you have a chance to shine.
  • The men moved restlessly and, as one, retreated backwards. It seemed that the rebel didn't have any of the support he had so much hoped for. He looked back and when he noticed that he was left alone, a grimace of rage appeared on his face.
  • - You are cowards! - he shouted to the others - after all, she is just a weak woman, no one important! We should work for a man, someone who will be able to make the right decisions, cause she will treat us like lab rats!
  • - I advise you well, shut up or they'll be scraping you off this floor in a minute! - Lucas moved furiously in his direction, but I stopped him with a gesture.
  • - Lucas, I can handle it - I again turned to my opponent - who are you actually to question our decisions?
  • - Someone who sticks to the right principles - he snorted furiously.
  • - I understand, in that case I see no place for you in our midst. Get out of here and never come back!
  • I turned my back to him, but for some reason the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I instantly turned toward him and at the last moment caught the hand with the knife heading toward me. I stopped it a few inches from my body and clamped my hand firmly on his wrist. He cringed in pain as I drove my nails into his skin with all my might and forced him to twist his arm to the side. Before he had time to react, I hit him in the larynx with the edge of my hand. He fell to the ground, coughing loudly, and released the knife from his hand. However, he almost immediately threw himself toward it and clamped his fingers on it. I stopped him, standing on his hand and twisting my foot, pressing my fingers into the floor. He tried to free himself, but then I hit him in the face with my fist. He fell on his back, howling in pain. I bent down and grabbed the knife lying quickly on the ground. I hid it behind my back and approached the man. At that moment I was so furious that I didn't think about what I was doing. I acted instinctively, moreover, I knew that at any moment I could count on Lucas' intervention.
  • - Get up, you piece of trash, and show me how a man fights!
  • I circled my opponent carefully, waiting for him to get on his feet. He, too, was furious, not to mention that I had already managed to hurt his ego. He rose wobbly to his feet and also began circling around me, trying to spot my weak spot. Finally, he shook his head and moved on me like an enraged bull. At the last moment, I jumped aside and ran my knife over his shoulder. He shrieked furiously and, without thinking, moved toward me again. This time I didn't manage to dodge him and flung my fist at his face. I groaned in pain and put my hand to my mouth. I noticed blood on my fingers and this sight enraged me even more. Without thinking, I threw myself at him and when I fell into his arms, I stabbed him in the stomach with all my strength. He groaned quietly and leaned against me. I pulled the knife out of the wound and made another blow, and then another and another. I only stopped when the handle of the knife began to slip in my hand from the excessive blood. He settled to his knees in front of me, clasping his hands on his stomach. He raised a gaze full of disbelief at and a trickle of blood dripped from his mouth. I completely lost my temper and cut his throat in one swift movement. A fountain of blood gushed from the wound, drops of which landed on my body and face. The man fell at my feet and after a moment became immobile. I stood over him, panting furiously and clutching the blood-sticky knife. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned quickly, turning the knife in my hand while lifting it up.
  • - It's over - I saw Lucas in front of me - you can give me the knife back.
  • - No - I turned back to the assembled men - I hope that what you have just seen will be a sufficient lesson for you. If any of you still have a problem with working for me and Lucas better back off. I will not tolerate any sign of insubordination! Did you get that clear?!
  • - Yes, boss - a chorus of voices answered me, and everyone bowed in unison.
  • - Excellent - I pointed to the body lying at my feet - this is your first task. You have to get rid of the body so that not even the slightest trace of it remains. The knife also has to disappear.
  • I threw it on the floor and once again looked at the bloody body. Suddenly this sight made me feel sick. I had the feeling that the walls were getting dangerously close to me, and I couldn't breathe normally. However, I could not show weakness, so I turned quickly on my heel and headed toward the bathroom. I locked myself in it and only there I slowly slid to the floor. I realized just now what I've done. I killed a man only because he dared to say out loud what he thought about me. I wanted to hide my face in my hands, but they were covered in blood. I got to my feet and rushed to the sink. I turned on the water and began to frantically wash away the blood. When the water turned red, tears started streaming down my face. I suppressed my sobs and concentrated on washing my hands thoroughly. After a while, I looked at myself in the mirror and squirmed, seeing drops of blood on my face. I began to scrub it hard until my skin turned red. I broke the word I made to myself. I promised myself that I would only kill Kai's murderers. I vowed to myself that I would never raise my hand against innocent people, and a few minutes ago I broke it. I looked at myself in the mirror and began to wonder who I really was. I was no longer the Y/n that everyone knew. I was no longer the calm and good girl who was looking for happiness. Now I was the Y/n that others would begin to fear. Evil to the marrow of her bones, a murderess who would never again know happiness, let alone love. And the sooner I came to terms with that, the better.
Y/n Pov pt. 2: