NPC: High Sugar Group Pet / Chaotic bedtime quarrel
NPC: High Sugar Group Pet
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  • NPC Villa
  • Looking at the familiar room, Lime had an indescribable feeling, and there was indeed a photo of her and the nine boys on the head of the bed.
  • They really didn't lie to her, but she really couldn't remember.
  • xiaqingning
    This is...
  • Lime looked at the men's pajamas on the bed and asked a little puzzled.
  • huangminghao
    Sorry, my
  • Huang Minghao looked at the pajamas on the bed and hurriedly picked them up and hid behind him.
  • Cai Xukun brought her back so suddenly that he forgot to clean up. It was really uncomfortable to sleep without lime lime holding her recently.
  • So he started to be humble enough to grab Lime's bed and sleep. Last night, it happened to be his turn, so he didn't clean up, and when he changed his clothes in the morning, he threw it on the bed.
  • xiaqingning
    That, although I am not very familiar with you, I always feel that it is not good for me to leave you like this.
  • Lime didn't care much about Huang Minghao, looked at the other eight people outside the room, and said nervously.
  • xiaqingning
    I've been in contact with some of you these days too, and if... Nong Nong wants, I can come back and live here.
  • They looked at Chen Linong with embarrassment. The reddish look on Lime's face made them familiar and like it.
  • #chenlinong
  • Just as Chen Linong was about to speak, Cai Xukun reached out and covered his mouth, and then gave the other brothers a wink.
  • As such, Chen Linong was subdued...
  • linyanjun
    Baby accompany me back to my room tonight
  • Lin Yanjun preempted, and was the first to step forward domineering and begin to declare sovereignty.
  • huangminghao
    No no no! It should be me!
  • fanchengcheng
    Stay where it's cool! Lemon~
  • xiaogui
    No, my daughter-in-law is mine!
  • Looking at the few people who were about to quarrel, Cai Xukun stepped forward and persuaded:
  • caixukun
    I feel like I should let the lime choose.
  • Cai Xukun said, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lime, his eyes flashed, hum, if you don't choose me... you're done.
  • xiaqingning
    Actually, I feel like I can sleep in my own room...
  • Lime explained a little embarrassed. Originally, she didn't want to go back to the NPC villa, but Cai Xukun coaxed her and abducted her directly.
  • He also threatened her to find someone to blow up Xiao Zhan's family if she didn't tell her that he couldn't come to the villa... She felt that he didn't look like he was lying.
  • caixukun
    Your room? does not exist.
  • After Cai Xukun finished speaking, he took out the key on her bedroom door, twisted it twice, confirmed that the door lock was dead, and threw the key directly from the window.
  • caixukun
    OK, choose now.
  • xiaqingning
  • Do you fight like that?
  • xiaqingning
    I, I choose...
  • Looking at the nine beautiful men with different styles in front of her, Lime was a little troubled, ah, ah, why do you want to go back to the villa today, she still has to make such a difficult decision... It's not suitable to choose anyone.
  • wangziyi
    Lime, just choose with a calm mind.
  • youchangjing
    Lime~ (blink)
  • zhuzhengting
    You Changjing! Don't act like a spoiled child! No fouls allowed!
  • xiaogui
    Hey, no canvassing.
  • fanchengcheng
    Summer Lime! I am your husband! Must choose me!
  • linyanjun
    I am also her husband.
  • Seeing the nine of them start to chirp again, Lime felt a headache. Are these nine people talking? Why do you think so about nine hundred people talking!
  • Finally, Lime took a deep breath and took a deep breath:
  • xiaqingning
    All right! Stop arguing! I choose...
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  • Who do you vote for ๐Ÿ‘‰
  • The selected male protagonist will have a sweet night chat from lime lime.
Chaotic bedtime quarrel