Lovechat (Taehyung X Y/N)
  • Y/N's pov
  • Y/N's POV
  • I was just randomly scrolling on Youtube when i saw that my fav artist is on snapchat too~~~~
  • Nayeon: Yaaaaaaaah Y/N!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT HAD HAPPENED??????
  • Y/N: Yass Nayeonie!!!!! Our fav artist (you can think of your fav artist here) is now on snapchat too!!!
  • Nayeon: But.... You don't use snapchat...
  • Y/N: So what? I will make one account!! Soooooo what should be my id...?
  • Nayeon: Idk.. I have some options like: @.__y/n__. @yours.y/n @lazyass @y/n6969 (ik these are cringe but still...)
  • Y/n: Well... i'll go with @yours.y/n
  • Nayeon: Alright!! Sooo now let me tell you all the features about it.... okay?
  • Taehyung's POV
  • Its 00:00 why am i not able to sleep???? UGHHH! Oh wait! Did i just heard someone singing... from the kitchen? *i went to the kitchen to check who it was* wth.... my worst nightmare is turning true.... JHOPEEEEEEE
  • Tae: Yaaaaah Jhope!!!!!!!! What the hell you doin???
  • Jhope: Washing clothes...
  • Tae: But you are in the kitchen....
  • Jhope: Yeah so what do you expect me to do here.... Ofc i am cooking
  • Tae: Rather than cooking you are making a mess my dear
  • Jhope: Blahblahblah... Whatever! Btw see this.. *opens snapchat and shows all the new features* Amazing isnt it?
  • Tae: Mhmm but what do exactly get by applying these weird filters on ur face and by maintaining these stupid streaks...?
  • Jhope: *gives a full speech about the profits of streaks* (your author is too lazy to write that kind of speech so sorry :(
  • Tae: Alright!! Now shut up and continue doing your work and don't be awake for too long... its already 1:00 am now
  • Jhope: You are stawing awake with me because we are making your account on snapchat!
  • Jhope: Come on you'll enjoy it.....!!!!!
  • Tae: *sighs* FINE.
  • Jhope: Alright!! Sooooooo your username would be.... ummmm
  • Tae:
  • Jhope: Really?
  • Tae: yEs
  • Jhope: *makes the acc* Alright here you go...! Btw these all are the features alright? *explains all the features*
  • Tae: *why can't this be done yet, i am feeling sleepy as hell* Alright enough Hobi! We'll continue this tomorrow morning......
  • I snatched the phone from Jhope's hand and stormed towards my room to get some peaceful sleep!
  • Author's POV
  • Both Y/N's bestie and Taehyung's bestie ha sforced them to make an acc but what they didn't expected was making his way towards them...
Chapter 1