Lonely hearts / Chapter 1: why mom, i need him
Lonely hearts
  • all i want is you to be happy free to run get dizzy on caffeine, funny friends that make you laugh and maybe your just a little bit dappy. Fly high, with your mother at your side, don't you know your got my eyes, i made you fly high, you'll be happy all the time I know you can make it right♪
  • ••
  • Taehyung walked out of the car his mother still sitted in the car. He looked back after taking a few steps waiting for his mother to come l out of the car but she did not come out.
  • "See you later!" She yelled and the engine of the car went on. The kid sighed and moved forward. So this is it he thought and moved towards the mansion, though it was not as huge as his home. This is the first time he is to do something without his mother's help. He knocked on the door and waited a few minutes for anyone to answer him.
  • A few minutes later a lady with a petite frame and pale skin opened the door. She smiled at first glance at the boy. Her Raven hair cascading infront of her eyes.
  • "You must be Taehyung," she mussed" come on in." She looked around confused as to why the boy she alone. Taehyung looked at her also confused as to why she was looking outside.
  • "Umm... Taehyung, where is your mom?"
  • "She just left." He stated walking inside the house.
  • "Ohh., ok" she said and closed the door behind them. Taehyung looked around the house, it looked nothing like his home. It was warm compared to his which was more modernized, this one was Abit more homey. Taehyung was taken of his thoughts when h he heard a crushing sounds coming from upstairs.
  • A boy came running down the stairs with a grin on his face.
  • " Jay !!!" A loud scream that almost your taehyun's eat drums followed suit. A small bottle who was maybe younger than taehyung came running down the stairs. That voice came from that small boy? Taehyung thought as he watched the drama unfold.
  • "Jay, jimin stop making a ruckus can't you see that we've got a guest." The Lady warned. The two looked at Taehyung at once. The both bowed in getting. Taehyung smiled in return.
  • "Jimin your play date is here get ready and you jay get ready to meet with Mr. Seokjin you know this is your first meeting with him" the Lady ordered and walked out of the room leaving the 3 alone.
  • "Hi, am jimin. The oldest." The small boy announced which surprised Taehyung.
  • " You may be that but am the alpha." The bigger boy announced. The confusion left taehyung's face. That's why he h had the meeting with Mr seokjin. Mr seokjin is known among most parks in the country for his family had been teaching and mentoring betas and alphas for generations. This meant that jimin is likely to be an omega." Hi am jay" the boy said then looked at jimin. "We're twins' he said and walked off feeding taehyung's curiosity.
  • " Enjoy your date." He teased the older and walked out probably to prepare for his meeting.
  • Jimin picked Taehyung by the wrist and walked him to his room. He showed home his toys and forced him to play with his toys whish mainly consisted of teddy bears. Each with a name that he forced the younger to learn. Time came that Taehyung had to go back home. He really had fun with jimin. "Next time bring something with you when you come." Jimin said" mommy says that it is bad to visit empty handed" Taehyung smiled looking at the small boy next to him.
  • "Okay, what do you want me to get you?" He asked with brightend the small boy
  • "Really, you going to get me something?" The bot asked hopefully.
  • "Yes" taehyung assured jimin with a smile on his face. His face is gonna hurt like hell for smiling to much. The small boy has a way of making him simile." What is it that you want?" He asked
  • "I want.,,.. ice cream. My mom doesn't like it when I eat ice cream. She says that it's not healthy." The boy blushed embarrassed.
  • "Ok" he said as he stood up. The driver had arrived. " See you next Sunday!!" The yelled at he walked to the door.
  • Taehyung sighed when he noticed that his mom didn't come to pick him up. Guess it's gonna be like this.
  • The next week Taehyung was really looking forward to seeing jimin he was excited had had saved up some of his pocket money throughout the week to get money for ice cream.
  • Mrs Kim smiled to herself when she walked into her son's room only to find him busy looking through his old toys. He looked frustrated as he was not seeing wat he was looking for.
  • "Whatcha doing?!" She asked breaking the boy out of his trance.
  • "Mom, did you see my teddy?" He asked innocently. His been looking for it the whole evening.
  • "You mean Mr grumpy?"
  • "Yes."
  • "I thought you don't like him . You said he was girly and that you didn't need him. So i threw him away." This caused the boys eyes to widen
  • "Why mom. I need him."
  • " For what?" She questioned the smile not falling from her face.
  • "Just..,." His voice low
  • " You sure..... Don't you want to impress jimin."she wiggled hey eye brows
  • "No"he answered alil too quick.
  • "Ok whatever you say." She said as she pulled out the g ready and handed it to the boy.
  • Meanwhile at the parks residence is to turmoil.
  • It's Saturday night and not only is Taehyung excited for their playdate but so is jimin. He prepares his clothes for the day. He picks out his party snickers that he hasn't worn in a year. He feels that that's the perfect occasion for their come back. Excitement builds up and he can't help but try them on. The smile drops when they don't fit..
Chapter 1: why mom, i need him