Liu Yaowen: The sweet wife is hard to chase / It wasn't me who came first
Liu Yaowen: The sweet wife is hard to chase
  • After sending Lin Qiuxin home, Ma Jiaqi left the city center the next night.
  • Outside the city.
  • "Hello, this is a private residence, you can't come in."
  • majiaqi
    It's just that after a few years, I don't even know each other anymore?
  • "You are... Young Master Ma?!"
  • majiaqi
    It's me
  • "Young Master Ma, I don't know Mount Tai, please come in."
  • - - - -
  • mazhuyuan
    Did you really figure it out?
  • Ma Zhuyuan initially received a call from Ma Jiaqi, thinking that this stinky boy was here to * himself off again, but he didn't expect Ma Jiaqi to come back for such a thing.
  • majiaqi
    Well, I choose to manage the business
  • Ma Zhuyuan had more than once persuaded Ma Jiaqi to come back as the heir, but no matter how many times Ma Jiaqi was unwilling, he said he wanted to work hard for himself.
  • Ma Zhuyuan can't figure it out, obviously the road paved for Ma Jiaqi is comfortable enough, why is Ma Jiaqi reluctant?
  • Ma Zhuyuan knew that Ma Jiaqi was very stubborn, so he kept putting pressure on him. He didn't expect that this kid was lucky enough to meet Ding Chengxin.
  • But now Ma Jiaqi actually came and said to himself that he wanted to manage the enterprise?
  • Ma Zhuyuan was in a trance, he suspected that he might be dreaming.
  • mazhuyuan
    Okay, then I'll contact the company tomorrow to send a hot search.
  • majiaqi
  • Ma Zhuyuan really felt that Ma Jiaqi was stimulated, otherwise how could he have changed from the boy who resisted inheritance back then to the boy who can't wait to shout for a hot search in front of him now?
  • mazhuyuan
    Okay, just figure it out
  • mazhuyuan
    Stay and have dinner with me and your mother?
  • majiaqi
  • majiaqi
    Also, she was never my mother
  • After coming out of Ma's house, Ma Jiaqi stood for a long time and thought about it for a long time.
  • Ma Jiaqi didn't know if his choice was right, but he only knew that with Ma's help, he could better protect his girl.
  • Ma's name is comparable to Liu's. Perhaps only by doing this can she help her.
  • Of course, in addition to this, Ma Jiaqi wanted to find out more about the oolong of the year and return her innocence.
  • majiaqi
    (Dial the phone) Come out for a drink?
  • - - - -
  • Bar
  • dingchengxin
    What's wrong with you, why do you suddenly want to drink?
  • majiaqi
    Didn't this come to you for a break-up meal?
  • Ma Jiaqi smiled bitterly, he felt a little sorry for Ding Chengxin.
  • When he was desperate, it was Ding Chengxin who helped him. It can be said that Ding Chengxin was Ma Jiaqi's savior.
  • Now for a woman, he can be said to have betrayed Ding Chengxin.
  • dingchengxin
  • Ding Chengxin was not surprised. He always knew that Ma Jiaqi would go back sooner or later, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.
  • majiaqi
    Sort of
  • dingchengxin
    Okay, since it's your decision, I respect it
  • dingchengxin
    Then don't get drunk tonight
  • It's the end of our relationship.
  • Of course, Ding Chengxin didn't say this sentence.
  • Of course Ding Chengxin knew what Ma Jiaqi's departure meant.
  • The next time we meet, it may be on which bid.
  • majiaqi
    Okay, don't get drunk
  • The two drank all night, and Ma Jiaqi gradually explained the situation to Ding Chengxin.
  • majiaqi
    (Drunk) Ding'er, how can you say my girl is possible?
  • Ding Chengxin did not drink as much as Ma Jiaqi. When he saw Ma Jiaqi's appearance, he just silently patted Ma Jiaqi on the back and listened silently.
  • majiaqi
    You know how sorry I am
  • majiaqi
    Do you know how serious her knee is now? Every time I see her struggling to stand up, I wonder why it wasn't him Liu Yaowen who suffered
  • majiaqi
    She's obviously only 25
  • majiaqi
    Knees are a lifetime thing, right?
  • majiaqi
    Why do you think she is so stupid...
  • Ma Jiaqi drank more and more, and he started to lose his mind.
  • dingchengxin
    Brother Ma, stop drinking
  • Ding Chengxin felt that something was wrong with Ma Jiaqi and quickly snatched his wine glass.
  • majiaqi
    Ding'er, you said she still loves him, right?
  • majiaqi
    Otherwise, how could you hate him so much?
  • majiaqi
    Why wasn't I the one who showed up first?
  • majiaqi
    Why not?
  • Ma Jiaqi was very drunk, but he still kept asking why.
  • Ding Chengxin couldn't answer either, so he could only silently settle the account and carry Ma Jiaqi home.
  • After taking Ma Jiaqi home, Ding Chengxin was thoughtful.
  • dingchengxin
    Lin Qiuxin...?
  • Ding Chengxin was very curious. What magic power did this girl have that could make a sane person like Ma Jiaqi drunk like this?
  • Make a call.
  • dingchengxin
    I want all the news about this Lin Qiuxin by tomorrow
  • "Yes!"
  • dingchengxin
    This girl still has something to do with Liu Yaowen
  • dingchengxin
    Not easy
  • ————————————
It wasn't me who came first