Kun classmate, how are you? / 098: Accidental injury?!
Kun classmate, how are you?
  • Yes.
  • - I'm still trying,
  • - You don't like other people first.
  • But she thought, after all, she thought.
  • At this moment, her words were like a blank sheet of paper in front of everyone, pale and powerless, and she was set up as a green tea *. Everyone took a deep breath.
  • "How do you know she copied the answer? Is there any evidence?"
  • "That's right, what's the skill of empty words?"
  • "..."
  • A few girls who usually follow Li Zian stood up at this moment. Although they followed Li Zian entirely to attract the attention of boys, if they...
  • Will standing up attract Cai Xukun's attention?
  • caixukun
  • He mocked softly.
  • caixukun
    "Don't believe me? Who's going to flip through her workbook?"
  • As soon as Cai Xukun's words fell, Li Zian stopped choking. She was a little stunned. She borrowed these workbooks from those girls just now, and she didn't know if she wrote them or not.
  • Everyone dared not speak now.
  • No one is indifferent.
  • Just when Li Zian thought he could escape the disaster, a voice familiar to everyone in T sounded from a corner of the football field.
  • jianglizi
    "Let me do it."
  • Jiang Lizi----!!!
  • Although Jiang Lizi was known as the first sister in T, many boys still hated her face. No one wanted to intercept Jiang Lizi for Li Zian, because they all knew that this person was not easy to mess with.
  • lizian
    "Jiang Lizi, what do you mean?"
  • Li Zian panicked. She wasn't sure if she had done the workbook, but 80% of the time she didn't do it, because those girls were unreliable, and they had to copy their own answers in the exam.
  • jianglizi
    If you don't feel guilty, don't pick up the exercise book. Just let me have a look. "
  • Jiang Lizi spoke plausibly. Since Cai Xukun said it, she naturally believed that no matter whether the workbook was done or not, at least Kunkun had realized that Li Zi'an was not a good thing.
  • She slowly approached her in full view, and threw a disdainful look at Li Zian. The closer she got, the more panicked Li Zian became. If she really didn't write it, her reputation would be yellow!!
  • As Jiang Lizi slowly approached, Li Zian trembled unconsciously, her fingers were cold, and she kept sweating. She saw that Jiang Lizi had bowed her head to pick up the exercise book!!
  • lizian
    "Don't take it!!"
  • She didn't care so much. Looking at Jiang Lizi's head, she kicked Jiang Lizi's head. It could be seen that her movements were particularly hard, as if the other party was an enemy that she had not seen for a few years.
  • Fortunately, Jiang Lizi had a keen reaction and escaped the catastrophe, but his forehead brushed past the shoe, and a cut was scratched, and a trace of blood oozed from the wound.
  • jianglizi
    "What are you crazy!!!"
  • As soon as Jiang Lizi finished scolding, Li Zian closed her eyes, put her hands on her shoulders, and pushed hard. Powerful jealousy seemed to cover her original heart and turn black.
  • There are several steps behind.
  • Jiang Lizi hugged her head subconsciously, as long as she didn't fall into a concussion! She prayed secretly in her heart, and her whole body leaned down.
  • caixukun
    "Chestnut ---!!!"
  • piqifeichangbaozaodejinyou
    Reward plus more.
098: Accidental injury?!