Kai Shao's only pet: the world's wanted young lady
  • Wang Junkai's face suddenly changed, he covered his cold mouth, and there was a flash of alertness and solemnity in his expressions. He unconsciously moved the bodies of the two people inside, and hooked the bodies under their feet., directly lifted the quilt, shoved the quilt into the innermost part, and finally pressed a few cold corpses on the two people's bodies...
  • Feeling the coldness and horror of the corpse, Leng Qingjue clenched his teeth tightly, but his face was already livid.
  • As if to confirm Wang Junkai's decision, a burst of footsteps kicked, and then the voices of several kidnappers sounded at the door. Only a loud bang was heard, and the door was kicked open by several people. Zheng Xiujing's familiar voice sounded.
  • zhengxiujing
    Hurry up and look for it, it's almost dawn, and the hostages have already used the contact device in the captain's room to call the police. It's not that fun for China to send out troops... No matter how powerful we are, we can't match the Chinese army!
  • "Not found."
  • zhengxiujing
    Wait, there's a freezer.
  • The sound of the steps got closer and closer, and then there was a squeak, the door of the freezer room was completely opened, and the mountains of corpses poured down inside, and Leng Qingjue, who was hiding on the lowest level, almost suppressed his breathing at this time, and his heart seemed to stop beating at this moment, for fear that a movement would be discovered... Cold sweat flowed down his forehead, nothing else, as long as the robber squatted down and pushed away a few corpses, he could find the two people they were looking for.
  • Between Kai Leng and the robbers, there is only a distance of more than one meter, which is also the distance between life and death.
  • Zheng Xiujing impatiently used the barrel of a gun to push away a few corpses in the middle layer, and then pulled the corpses in the upper layer a few times. Finally, she impatiently used the barrel of a gun to pestle the lower layer. The barrel of the gun was longer, and it was actually a few times. The pestle reached the leg of Leng Lianjue hidden in the corpse, and the sudden blow came, and Leng Lianjue almost cried out in pain.
  • She clenched her teeth, cold sweat flowed down, forcing herself not to make a sound, Wang Junkai looked at her with distressed eyes.
  • zhengxiujing
    Go to the next room.
  • With a clatter, there was a cluttered sound of footsteps fading away in his ears. Leng Qingjue just wanted to breathe a deep sigh of relief, but Wang Junkai shook his head silently at her.
  • Leng Qingjue instantly understood what Wang Junkai meant, and continued to endure the heart-wrenching pain. Just now, the leg bone was estimated to have been abruptly punctured by the barrel of the gun.
  • Several people finally left.
  • Leng Qingjue forced out a smile, but his eyes stayed on Wang Junkai's body. He was only smashed a few times and the pain was already there. This guy was pierced by a bullet in his chest, and he was still fine. It seems like... Is he still too weak after all?
  • yiyangqianxi
    Big brother!
  • Jackson Yee's voice suddenly sounded, and he suspected that he had heard it wrong.
  • yiyangqianxi
    We'll get you out of here.
  • The corpse at the door of the freezer had been moved away by a few people, and Leng Qingjue was finally able to see the light. The two people crawled out of the lower freezer covered in blood, their bodies full of embarrassment.
  • wangjunkai
  • Leng Qingjue took a deep breath of the free air outside, lame with one leg, but supported Wang Junkai with the other hand. At this moment, the faces and bodies of the two boys and girls who were supposed to be noble and elegant were covered with blood, giving them a touch of cruelty and ferocity.
  • wangjunkai
    Well, I...
  • Wang Junkai wanted to say something, but he couldn't hold it any longer and fell directly to the ground!
  • lengqingjue
    Wang Junkai!
  • ...
  • shangxue
    La la la~ Calvin, which local tyrant snowflake gave me a reward acridine!
Cone to the bone (refined)