He Luoluo: The e-sports male god lives next door
  • Open Mai × 999
  • yuai
    Do you really want me to open the mic?
  • Yizhihua: [Open wheat! I want to listen to my little brother!]
  • No way, Yu Aiben thought that this game was so off, but who made her a pet fan live streaming host, just open it!
  • yuai
    Cough cough
  • yuai
    I'm back
  • geiyishuaiAK
  • leishenmingshuai
    Girl, why didn't you speak just now?
  • Yu Ai cleared her throat.
  • yuai
    Oh, that... there was something at home just now that made it inconvenient to open the mic!
  • geiyishuaiAK
    Oh, can the girl give the friend the location when she goes out in a while?
  • geiyishuaiAK
    After all, someone like you who has even slept with Luo Shen must be very hanged!
  • Which pot does not open which pot! Yi Shuai's sentence successfully scared Yu Ai to choke on his own saliva.
  • At this moment, Yu Ai saw a car passing by from a distance, and she quickly took this opportunity to change the subject!
  • yuai
    There's a car ahead!
  • LL
  • With a word of calmness, the people in the live stream went crazy again.
  • Thor Ming Shuai drove the jeep to the wheat field, and the three of them probed and started shooting frantically.
  • geiyishuaiAK
    Ah ah ah hit him!!!
  • geiyishuaiAK
    Jiang Ming, can you drive faster!
  • leishenmingshuai
    I'm going as fast as I can, and the wheels are about to fly!
  • Thunder God Mingshuai was in charge of driving, and the remaining two used guns to sweep. Yu Ai had an m416 in his hand, and Yi Shuai had an AK47 in his hand. Because the distance between the two cars was a little far, the probability of sweeping the car was a little small.
  • Only No. 1 He Luoluo, holding an AWM he had just picked up in the airdrop, drove the eightfold mirror to track the human flesh there.
  • Yu Ai was a little puzzled. This number one didn't scan with a gun, but was still scanning with a sniper rifle. You must know that these two cars are moving! The car is shaking! How could it be possible to move the headshot!
  • Such a confident boy!
  • The people in the live stream had similar thoughts to Yu Ai, and some even thought that No. 1 was grandstanding.
  • One's microphone logo flashed.
  • LL
    Keep following
  • leishenmingshuai
    Hurry up! The car is running out of gas!
  • Yu Ai and Yi Shuai changed bombs and continued to fire frantically. The crackling sound inexplicably brought a New Year's atmosphere to the live stream. Stupid netizens began to worship the New Year in Yu Ai's live stream.
  • Amid the chaotic gunfire, a muted AWM seemed particularly abrupt.
  • The smoking car that the four of them were chasing, the driver suddenly fell off the car, followed by the car and exploded with a "bang".
  • Moving the headshot, not only Yu Ai was shocked, but there was another storm in the live stream.
  • LL! The marksmanship is second only to Luo Shen's man!
  • Little cuties: [What did I see ?Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノ Is this a human?]
  • I like this book. [This shot suddenly reminds me of my Luo Shen husband...]
  • Just collect it: [In addition to Luoshen, another non-human gamer came out, I knelt!]
  • Daily update: [This number is really handsome! I have a new husband again!]
  • I love you: [Hehe, it's just a random marksmanship, or I'll hang up]
  • Yu Ai was blinded by the operation of Tianxiu No. 1.
  • She took back what she had just questioned him. No. 1 was confident because he had the capital to be confident. Sitting in the car and moving people in another car a few hundred meters away from the headshot, such an operation was really only possible for Luo Shen, who participated in the international e-sports competition back then. Can control it.
  • This No. 1 is actually so powerful, which makes Yu Ai, who loves e-sports very much, raise a sense of awe for this No. 1 LL from the bottom of his heart.
  • So *ing handsome...
Chapter 4, Non-Human Players