Hate to Love You / How I met you
Hate to Love You
  • I’m Kimura Akari. The mafia princess of the most known Mafia family in all of Japan. It’s a lot harder being a Mafia princess than you’d think. First of all, you have high expectations from your parents, the Mafia king and queen. Then you have people always trying to hunt you down and kill you, or kidnap you for a ransom. Lastly, no one wants to be friends with a Mafia. That’s kind of my issue right now. I’m a 16 year old girl who dropped out of school to train to be a Mafia. I have two older siblings. Sakura, my older sister who’s 20 and Aikoku, my older brother. He’s 24. My sister is usually who I talk to when I need advice for anything. She always helps me. I sit down by the little pond in a hidden place that only me and my sister know about. It’s where I come to think and to be alone.
  • “Akari!” Sakura calls. “Father wants us to meet him in his office for a last minute mission.” She says walking towards me.
  • “Ok.” Is all I say. Our father, Kimura Kenzo, has us training to become Mafia’s for when he passes away. Our mother, Kimura Akari, was kidnapped a few years ago by another group and we haven't heard from her since. My sister and I make our way back inside our huge mansion and to our fathers office. I knock on the door.
  • “Enter.” He answers.
  • “Kon’nichiwa oto-san.” I bow to my father as Sakura and I walk in the room.
  • “Hello my daughters.” He says. “I have a last minute assignment for the both of you. You are to go to the border of Japan and retrieve a hard drive from Chi-won. He is apart of a small Mafia group in Korea. You will need to use the code phrase ‘The tiger’s agility is more efficient than a cheetah’s speed’ that way he will know that I sent you. You must hurry.”
  • “Hai oto-san.” Sakura and I say at the same time. We walk out of his office to the garage. We usually drive motorcycles for missions due to their speed.
  • “I call driving!” Sakura yells as she runs to our motorcycle.
  • “Fine, but I’m driving on the way back.” I say hopping on behind her. She opens the garage and pulls out of the gates. We’re on the road headed to the checkpoint that Father sent us the directions to. It’s a 45 minute drive but with the motorcycle it’s only 37 minutes. When we arrive we park in an ally behind the warehouse. We slowly walk into the building. It’s midday but almost pitch black inside.
  • “Did Father say where to meet him?” She asks.
  • “Nope.” I reply. Suddenly I see a shadow swoop behind us. I whip around and point my gun. “Who’s there?” I demand. Nothing. “Who’s there?” I ask again. I turn back around and Sakura’s gone. “Sakura? Where’d you go?” I take a few steps forward.
  • “Akari over here.” She whisper-yells. I walk in the direction of her voice. She’s hiding around a corner and signals me to hurry. I run over to her silently. “The hard drive is sitting right there on the desk.” I peek my head around the corner. “But there’s no one there. Should I just-” Before she finishes her sentence, I run towards the desk. “Akari no!” She yells.
  • “Too late.” I say, grabbing the hard drive. “That was easy.” I start walking back to Sakura when someone tackles me to the ground. The person rolls on top of me, pinning me to the ground, and grabs the hard drive from my hand.
  • “Thanks.” He says, getting off of me and running away. Sakura runs up to me and helps me up.
  • “Well don’t just stand there, go fix your mistake!” She yells at me. I run after the guy. He almost made it to his motorcycle but I shoot my gun in the air. He quickly turns around and points a knife at me. I quickly walk towards him and kick the knife from his hand. It falls to the ground a few feet away. Then I grab the hand that has the hard drive in it and twist it behind him. He yelps in pain. I snatch it back from him.
  • “Thanks.” I say. I start to run away but he grabs my arm and pulls me close.
  • “I can’t let you take that.” He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
  • “Good thing I don’t take orders from you.” I try to pull my arm away but he grips onto it tighter. “Let me go.” I demand.
  • “Give me the hard drive.” He replies. I look at his face.
  • “Hell no.” I knee him in the stomach. He releases my arm and bends over. I start running back to our motorcycle. Before I get far, he grabs my leg and I fall to the ground. He hovers over me.
  • “You gonna give it to me now?” I stand up quickly.
  • “Nope.” I put the hard drive into my pocket and prepare to fight him. He tries to kick me but I dodge it and punch him in the gut. I try to punch him again but he grabs my arm.
  • “You should really change up your fighting pattern. It's easy to follow.” He twists my arm around and now my back is against his stomach. “Hand it over.” He demands.
  • “No.” He pulls my arms further and I wince.
  • “I really hate doing this to you.”
  • “So don’t” I reply
  • “I need the hard drive first. Then I’ll release you.” His lips brush against my ear as he whispers, “Give it to me.”
  • “No!” I stomp on his foot, hard, and start running.
  • “You’ll regret that.” He chases me.
  • “Sakura, get ready to go!” I scream as I sprint as fast as I can. Sakura starts the vehicle and gets ready to drive away. I almost make it to the motorcycle but the guy throws a knife at my arm. It slices it just a smidge, but still enough to hurt like heck. I grip onto my bleeding arm and bend over.
  • “Akari!” Sakura yells. She runs towards me and before the guy can grab me, she punches him in the face. They start fighting and I get up and walk to the motorbike. Sakura finally punches him hard enough to knock him to the ground. She runs and hops on.
  • “Go!” She yells. I speed away from the warehouse. “Oh my gosh are you ok?” She asks frantically. I flinch as she touches the wound.
  • “Yeah I’m fine.” I reply quietly.
  • “Are you really? C’mon you don’t have to play strong in front of me.”
  • “I mean it hurts a lot, but I’ll be ok.” I reply. “As long as I don’t look at it, I’ll be fine.”
  • “Well hurry home so we can bandage you up.” She says.
  • I pull into the garage 40 minutes later. We walk inside towards Father’s office.
  • “I’ll take this to Father. You go to Hina.” She says. I nod and walk to our personal doctor, Hina.
  • “Hey honey. Are you ok?” She asks as I walk in the room.
  • “Well on the mission my Father just sent me on, another guy was there trying to get the same hard drive. He stole it from me and I stole it back and ran away but then he threw a knife at me. It sliced my arm pretty badly.”
  • “Let me see.” She walks to me and pulls up my sleeve. “Oh my lord. That’s bad.”
  • “I didn’t want to look at it while I was there so I didn’t freak out.” I look at it. “Oh yeah and now I’m freaking out.”
  • “It’s ok. I just need to stitch it up and wrap it. You’ll heal up in a few weeks. Just stay off missions until then. I’ll be sure to tell your father. Just sit right there and I’ll get the stuff ready.” I sit in a chair by her desk. I’m used to getting injuries on missions. I just don’t examine them until I get home so I don’t freak out on the job. I can’t risk failing.
How I met you