Fragrant Honey Yuxi Love / Chapter 18: Abominable
Fragrant Honey Yuxi Love
  • Today was Runyu's day off. As a result, Mo Xi found that the child was still bored reading in the study on the day off, and was pulled out by Mo Xi.
  • Either Mo Xi took him to the mortal world in person, or let the elves of Qingxi Mountain take Runyu to play, and children can't be so bored in the house all the time.
  • She didn't want her apprentice to be a nerd who only knew how to learn.
  • The weather is really nice today! Mo Xi sat by the small lake in Qingxi Mountain and soaked her tail, leaned against the small table placed by the side, and drank the simplified version of Peach Blossom Drunk.
  • moxi
    (Drinking wine) This peach blossom is drunk, or the old phoenix brewed by Shuyan is the best. Even if I ask for a wine recipe, I can't brew that superb taste!
  • When Runyu came to Mo Xi, he saw an extremely beautiful scene in front of him.
  • Mo Xi's dragon tail was cyan, and under the sunlight, it glowed with an extremely moving light. The beautiful and refined woman in Tsing Yi propped her head with one hand, sipped a drink, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was recalling something.
  • Runyu couldn't bear to break such a beautiful picture, but he ran over happily to rub Mo Xi with Runyu's Nightmare Beast.
  • Seeing this little cutie coming, Mo Xi put down the wine glass in her hand and rubbed it well. It still felt so good!
  • runyu(younian)
  • moxi
    Yuer is here? Did you have fun today?
  • runyu(younian)
    Very happy, (looking at Mo Xi's tail) Master's dragon tail is so beautiful!
  • moxi
    (With a look of pride) I think so too! Hey, by the way, speaking of Yu'er, I haven't seen your real body yet, show it to Master to see?
  • When Runyu heard this, her face began to turn pale again, and she was very nervous.
  • runyu(younian)
    Master, Yu'er has been ugly since she was a child, her face is disgusting, and her real body is also pale and extremely ugly...
  • When Mo Xi heard this, she sprayed out the wine she had just drunk on the spot, glared at her, and used her fingers to dig out her ears.
  • moxi
    I didn't drink much today! Could it be that there is something wrong with my ears, Yu'er, do you think your face is disgusting?
  • Runyu blushed and lowered her head, and whispered back'yes', causing Mo Xi to have a headache. Why didn't she notice that the child had eye problems before?
  • moxi
    Yuer, Master asks you a question, tell the truth!
  • runyu(younian)
    What's the problem?
  • moxi
    (Pointing to his face) Do you think Master is ugly?
  • Runyu quickly shook her head, Master is the most beautiful person she has ever seen.
  • runyu(younian)
    Master is the most beautiful person Yu'er has ever seen.
  • moxi
    Then let me ask you, Xiaomiao and Lime, which one do you think is better looking? To be honest, we are here now, and Master promises not to tell the truth.
  • As long as they are immortals, there is almost no one who looks ugly. Even a god with a lot of beards will look at them carefully, unless they are sloppy in life. But there is also a hierarchy between good-looking and good-looking. Mo Xi, the god of flowers Zifen, is the top. Of course, Mo Xi felt that he was much better looking than that delicate lotus flower.
  • Having said that, Xiaomiao and Lime both have good looks, but in terms of heart, Xiaomiao looks more cute, a baby face, and Lime is a very delicate beauty, these two appear at the same time, unless they like the baby face type, otherwise most men will focus their eyes on Lime.
  • runyu(younian)
    Well... Sister Xiaomiao and Lime Fairy are both very beautiful. If Master insists on Runyu choosing one, Runyu thinks that Lime Fairy is more beautiful.
  • It seems that there is nothing wrong with this child's eyes, the appraisal is complete!
  • moxi
    I was startled, I thought your eyes were wrong! No, Yu'er, since you can tell the difference between beauty and ugliness, how can you feel that you are not good-looking?
  • runyu(younian)
    It seems that for a long time, someone said that Yu'er was ugly...
  • Who? That * is dying, dare to say that to his apprentice? Still talking nonsense with his eyes open, is this blind or blind?
  • Are you afraid of rotten tongue when you tell lies?
  • Xiao Ying has something to say: Runyu's aesthetic view~ Really need to break it off well, if your appearance is called disgusting, how can those who look plain live?
Chapter 18: Abominable