Fragrant Honey Yuxi Love / Chapter 130: He is very similar to himself but not like him
Fragrant Honey Yuxi Love
  • After dealing with the scourge, Mo Xi slowly returned to the heavenly realm, but this time her mentality changed a lot.
  • Thinking of the past she had seen about Runyu, Mo Xi's heart felt accelerated. This feeling came and went quickly.
  • She will no longer treat Runyu as a child, because she knows that Runyu is an emperor with a heart in the world.
  • moxi
    It's rare to see such a stupid person in this world!
  • Seeing Runyu's experience, Mo Xi couldn't help but think of her dusty past. It was all because her father didn't love her mother and didn't love her. When she had nothing, she was ignored and sneered by everyone, and she was even calculated by her so-called close relatives.
  • However, Mo Xi's choice and Runyu were a big deal. For the harm of his relatives, Mo Xi chose to fight back and take revenge fiercely, making them regret for life, and life would be worse than death; but Runyu chose to forgive and tolerate, but it was a pity that the people he cared about were all unconscientious beasts, who would only push their luck and become more greedy.
  • Therefore, Runyu is very like himself, but not like himself.
  • moxi
    (Self-deprecating smile) Maybe, because I'm not really kind?
  • A truly kind person understands the evils of the world, and his heart is still full of kindness and compassion. Bear the coolness and indifference of the past, and still do not take anger on others. Even if you walk through thorns, you will not change your original intention of being good.
  • Runyu once did it, but Mo Xi didn't do it, and he didn't want to do it. Kindness means to suffer, and to suffer others. Why do you have to endure it again and again with the so-called kindness?
  • Looking at Runyu's current style and behavior, he should have been reborn, right?
  • Eh, wait, doesn't that mean that Runyu is already hundreds of thousands of years old, not a child... Wait, what is she thinking!
  • Mo Xi quickly shook her head and threw out those weird thoughts in her mind, so what if she was hundreds of thousands of years old, she was still the old senior of Runyu!
  • I don't know.
  • But some things can't be erased if you want to deny them.
  • Runyu was delighted to find that Mo Xi had not resisted his feelings as before. Did this mean that Mo Xi was about to accept herself?
  • Runyu didn't know that his old background had been secretly told to Mo Xi by Tiandao. You know, he used to have a white moonlight that he couldn't love. Well, although the white moonlight had turned into white rice grains, and it was still soaked in sewage. It's disgusting, but it can't change the fact that his lover loves him to death. After reading Runyu's past, Mo Xi once felt that his apprentice must have had a very serious eye disease in his previous life, and he was simply blind. ๐Ÿ˜’
  • What's more, the similarity between Mo Xi and Runyu is more than just life experience!
  • Mo Xi thought of the psychiatrist who had been calculated by him in the first life, and sneered secretly in his heart. Not everyone regarded love higher than the sky like those *s, especially men.
  • For most men, love is not an important thing in their lives. Fame, status, power, and even the world are all reasons why they can easily abandon love.
  • Didn't the psychiatrist in the first life also fall in love with her? But his choice has proved the unreliability of love. If he falls in love with her, he will still hurt her for other things. It doesn't matter what this kind of love is!
  • What's more, Runyu is an emperor and a wise monarch with a heart in the world. He attaches great importance to love, but he will never make something that becomes a sacrifice of love to the world.
  • Runyu is a king with a heart for the world. Mo Xi is very proud as a master, but Mo Xi will not accept his love easily.
  • After an injury, you will learn how to protect yourself.
  • Xiao Ying has something to say: The relationship between the two needs some assists, let's solve the flower and bird first! ๐Ÿ˜
  • PS: Xiao Ying is working hard to code, ask for flowers and gold coins to encourage you~ ๐Ÿ˜‰
Chapter 130: He is very similar to himself but not like him