Farewell Noble Knight / default title
Farewell Noble Knight
  • :: Funeral Event::
  • Location- Unova Cemetary
  • As a Ghost Type Trainer, death wasn't something unusual to Shauntal. She knew that every beginning was bound to have an ending. Witnessing the passing of parental units as a child, she knew that it was just a part of life - despite how lonely she felt after their passing.
  • However, as she got older, the weight of those losses grew heavier. She knew that her family wasn't that big but as she gazed at her own reflection in her car mirror, she was aware of how small it truly was. She was the last of her family line and it would end with her. She removed her glasses for the third time this morning, choking back tears that were accompanied by shivers that wrapped around her spine.
  • She hated this. Her duty as the last member of the family was a heavy burden that she wasn't sure she was ready to carry. Letting out a deep breath, she brushed away the tears before readjusting her glasses. She could see that several of her grandfather's friends and co-workers were coming and gathering by the service location further in the cemetery. As a trainer who specialized in ghosts, she could see that there were a few shadows of ghosts lingering around trees, curious about the crowd.
  • Taking one last deep breath, she gathers her notebook and keys before leaving her car, locking it behind her. She then lets out her Chandelure for support. Her Pokemon partner leaned into her with a soft whistle. It was as if the ghostly creature could sense how lonely Shauntal was this morning.
  • "Thanks, buddy...I just need a moment.” She took another deep breath before waving a hand to her ghostly partner, "Okay, let's go."
  • Her Chandelure followed behind her as they headed towards the layout where they would find fifty or so people in attendance. Most were either elderly or adults around her age. There were a few chairs empty at the front, to which she took one, clinging to her notebook while waiting to be called.
  • Looking to her left, she could see that her grandfather's bug-type Pokemon were in attendance as well. Her heart went out to them. It was only a matter of time before they would be released back into the wild or taken by another trainer, but if she were honest, she wasn't sure what would happen to them.
  • A local Priest started the service. As he spoke, he called various friends of the family to speak. It took them all twenty or so minutes each to say a word about her grandfather until the Priest called on Shauntal.
  • She froze in her seat when she was then called to the stand. Swallowing a dry breath, she pulled herself up. Shauntal places her notebook on the stand, looking out to the crowd. There were so many eyes on her this morning. God, her stomach felt like it was heavy with lead.
  • She adjusts her glasses, glancing down at her pages.
  • "Good morning everyone. For those unaware, I am Shauntal, a ghost-type trainer and one of the current Unova Elite Four. However, on top of my career as an Elite, I am also a novelist.
  • Death...and stories have always been a theme in my family. Today, it seems, is no different.
  • When I was born, my mother passed and when I was seven, my father passed. I had so few to look up to. After days of finding myself lost in grief, I decided to write out a story that paid tribute to my father. The first person who showed that story was none other than my grandfather. As a retired English teacher, he enjoyed reading my work. He ensured that I was able to get the best education Unova had to offer and allowed me to bounce my ideas off of him when I wrote my stories.
  • It's thanks to him that I've been able to go so far with my writing. Even when he was tending to his Butterfree Sancturary or doing busy work with his Pokemon, he always had time to spare to listen. He will be dearly missed, but I believe he is in a happier place with my grandmother -- eager to share with her the stories we shared in my youth."
  • Her voice was starting to tremble as she flipped a page in her notebook, "As today marks the sign-off of his final chapter, I would like to share something I wrote in his honor."
  • Clearing her voice, she looked at her friend for a moment, hoping she didn't look ridiculous or embarrassing.
  • " 'A veteran, a protector, a beloved caretaker. Such was the legacy of such a noble knight who now hung his well-worn armor upon the wall one last time. Passing through the old creaking halls of his home, still frames of faces -- all familiar, looking back at him with love and happiness.
  • Even as his bones creaked in sync with the weathered floorboards of his chambers, the efforts of making those smiles remain were always worth it.
  • He feels it though. That tug of fatigue urged him to sleep, but this was a different sort of tug. Sleep had escaped him for so many years. It was time for him to rest. The young he raised were grown and had the skills he honed on his own to make it through the cruel world we know now.
  • So as his body lay in the comfort of his familiar bed, sleep embraced him with the shadow of comfort.
  • Rest now, noble knight.
  • You have served your students and people well. May the halls of warriors greet you with warm welcoming arms.'"
  • As she closed her notebook, she stepped to the side to that she could be away from the crowd. She was on the verge of tears again and didn't want to embarrass herself by crying in front of so many.
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