Doomsday NPC: Zombies Attack! / Zombie plants, mushrooms after a rain
Doomsday NPC: Zombies Attack!
  • zuozhejun
    Pale yellow dress, fluffy hair, like a dream, I'm still very moved after waking up... Forgive me for being too poisoned to extricate myself Hiahiahiahia, I'm too drunk to recite rap.
  • When they passed through the zombie tide, everyone was once again shocked by the dense scale. The convoy only opened up a road, and the zombie crowd rushed towards the convoy frantically, with a steady stream of skills.
  • And this densely packed corpse, they used to live as human beings, just because of a sudden accident, the comfortable and peaceful environment was broken, the bustling city was destroyed, everything was turned into ruins, and peace no longer existed. Everything, life is no longer precious, and the things that were once proud and cherished are as cheap as grass.
  • This is a very sad thing.
  • Humans are gradually decreasing, if the number of zombies grows again, they will not be the masters of the world, it should be said... they have never dominated the world.
  • It is clear that it has reached the end of the road, and it is clearly the time for unity, but there is darkness everywhere, and the evil nature of human beings has been magnified a hundred times in the end times. In this world, good people cannot live at all.
  • The world has changed, and so has the world.
  • Maybe the day humans eliminate zombies will be cruel cannibalism. Just like now, the strong live and the weak die.
  • The sky was gradually getting dark, and the road ahead was clear. It was getting closer and closer to the city center. In the high-rise buildings that were close at hand, a wave of energy came from inside, and the power users felt it, and they showed greedy eyes one by one.
  • Xiao Ke had already guessed all this.
  • Xiao Ke opened the car door and looked at the highest floor. There seemed to be a shadow there, which could not be seen clearly, as if he was also watching her.
  • Chen Linong locked Xiao Ke at a glance.
  • He had a hunch that Xiao Ke was the one who fulfilled his wish.
  • There was a strange energy fluctuation on this woman, he didn't know what it was, but to him, it was a good thing.
  • But...
  • Looking at the group of ugly people below, his eyes revealed a faint mockery.
  • Sure enough, he still hates humans.
  • Since it is to end him, it is also necessary to show him their abilities...
  • Chen Linong smiled lightly, this sound seemed to be the signal of battle.
  • The people in the central plaza suddenly felt that the sky was collapsing, and the ground under their feet was rapidly splitting.
  • Xiao Ke stabilized his body in an instant, and she frowned when she looked at the things that had sprung up under her feet.
  • anyining
    This... what's going on all of a sudden?
  • xiaoke
    This is a zombie plant, everyone step back.
  • Xiao Ke could see the essence of these things at a glance. Everyone trusted her very much. As soon as she opened her mouth, the group quickly left the area.
  • So many green shoots emerged from the land, and at first glance, it was still a beautiful sight, but below it, there was boundless danger.
  • No one has time to appreciate this scene.
  • Those plants that looked weak, petite, and had no attack power at all suddenly skyrocketed when they broke through the ground and twigs, and some people who left slowly were instantly penetrated.
  • Blood, dyed red...
  • Zombie plants stood proudly, and some of them were still hanging hot, fresh corpses, and those corpses were still bleeding. This scene looked extremely terrifying.
Zombie plants, mushrooms after a rain