Doomsday NPC: Zombies Attack!
  • anyining
    What is this...
  • This accident happened too suddenly. At that moment, the accident happened suddenly, and they were not ready. So many people died at once, and they died tragically.
  • xiaoke
    I knew it wouldn't go so well.
  • How could it be unimpeded in the zombie city?
  • At a glance, there is some intrigue ahead.
  • Fortunately, she reacted quickly, otherwise she would have been strung into a sieve by this zombie plant.
  • The green branches and leaves swayed their bodies wantonly, with long to upside-down hooks on their bodies, and the huge petals were mouths full of sharp teeth. It swallowed a human and quickly crushed it.
  • Who would have thought that such a terrifying plant was actually a flower and grass played by humans before the end of the world?
  • These things that people have always looked down on have turned into things that make human beings terrified in a blink of an eye.
  • And the horror of humanity is not over yet.
  • The sky suddenly darkened.
  • Suddenly.
  • The dark pressure brought infinite depression and fear.
  • Only their piece is dark, and the distant sky is still golden.
  • longtao
    What... what's the situation?
  • People clenched their skills and weapons tightly, and Xiao Ke held Yaoyue tightly in her hand. She frowned and looked at the sky in front of her.
  • xiaoke
    It's a zombie animal... flight department.
  • Xiao Ke saw it clearly, her words made everyone look up carefully, and the huge hum had exposed what these things were.
  • There were zombie crows, zombie sparrows, and some animals that couldn't be named. All the flying zombie animals in the city gathered here, hovering over their heads.
  • Justin
    This is so...
  • The sky and the ground were full of zombie animals and plants, and the zombie army behind them had already come smelling the smell of humans.
  • xiaoke
    We are surrounded.
  • They are surrounded.
  • Dense, without gaps.
  • Even if Ning Meng turned into a flying body, these things in the sky could tear them to shreds in an instant.
  • Justin
    How is this going?
  • Smart humans have discovered the current situation, and they have now started to join the group.
  • xiaoke
    You take what I share, and you can save lives at critical times.
  • biwenjun
    If the battle begins, no one can care about anyone in this scene, and everyone should pay attention to protecting themselves.
  • Bi Wenjun led a group of troops and gave orders in front.
  • What he said was still quite deterrent, mainly because of his strong strength.
  • Whoever has a hard fist is the boss.
  • Xiao Ke and his group all stood together, and everyone was vigilant.
  • suqingyao
    Can we... really win?
  • The odds of winning are small.
  • Front, back, sky.
  • Surrounded by airtight.
  • baicha
    Luckily these plants don't move, and if they did, we'd be dead.
  • As soon as the white tea was finished, there was a commotion in front of her. She widened her eyes in horror.
  • baicha
    No way...
  • suqingyao
    You crow mouth, what are you talking about!
  • Su Qingyao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.
  • The zombie plants pulled up a lot in an instant, as if they had grown feet, they quickly rushed in the direction of the humans, waving their hideous tentacles.
  • In an instant, another burst of terrified screams.
  • The cannibal flower rolled up a living person, put it in its mouth, and bit the person's head first. The blood and brains burst out, disgusting and terrifying.
  • baicha
  • Some people have already broken down.
  • In the panic, he even sent a few more heads.
Zombie army