Ding Chengxin: You are my salvation / Redemption: A Premonition
Ding Chengxin: You are my salvation
  • The night is soft. The moonlight is hazy, the starlight is blurred, the lights are brilliant, and the light of all directions shines with each other, and the silver flows. The wind flies gently and softly, and the huge wings touch everything affectionately.
  • The flowers, plants and trees sang happily hand in hand, flowing with a fresh green fragrance and a faint fragrance that surrounds the heart. The moonlight, starlight, lights, the breeze, dark green, and light fragrance are interwoven into a huge and charming silk screen, which lovingly wraps the world in it, making people sleep contentedly in the warm atmosphere, and sink into sweet and beautiful dreams one by one.
  • But just like this, he should be fast asleep. During the time, there was a boy in pajamas under the street light with an anxious face, blocking the car,
  • Every time a taxi came, he reached out to stop it, but in the end he avoided him and drove past, just like one after another, without the slightest intention of stopping
  • Ding Chengxin frowned tightly, knowing that it was not easy to get a taxi at this time, bowed his head and meditated for a while before raising his legs and running
  • The night wind hit his body, his hair was a little messy, and the loose pajamas were tightly attached to his body, clearly showing his slender waist and slender legs
  • But he can't take care of that either. He is worried about Song Yaxuan now
  • Memories
  • Because today, he was very tired, and he planned to take a shower and go to bed. He had just changed his pajamas, and before he had time to go to the bathroom, his phone rang.
  • When I saw the caller's name, I picked it up
  • When the phone was connected, there was a messy sound like a bottle being thrown, and a low sobbing sound
  • Ding Chengxin stood up from the bed in an instant, his face became dignified, he frowned, and asked in a low voice:
  • dingchengxin
  • But there were no other voices on the other side except these two voices. Ding Chengxin felt that something was wrong. He didn't have time to change his clothes. He took a coat and ran downstairs, talking to him in a low voice
  • dingchengxin
    "Where are you now, are you at home?"
  • dingchengxin
    "Please calm down and breathe"
  • dingchengxin
    "I'll find you"
  • Ding Chengxin ran out while paying attention to the situation on the opposite side, and the sobbing gradually disappeared
  • Ding Chengxin breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to ask him what was wrong, the phone was hung up before he could say half a word
  • He was stunned for a moment, and then made a few more calls to Song Yaxuan, but the result was that he was busy and finally turned off. Ding Chengxin looked at the phone and had a bad premonition, and he couldn't allow him to think too much. The only idea is to take a taxi and hurry to Song Yaxuan's house
  • Memories end
  • Ding Chengxin didn't know how long he ran, maybe half an hour, maybe an hour, maybe three hours, he finally reached his destination
  • He didn't give himself a chance to slow down. He came directly to Song Yaxuan's house, stretched out his hand and pressed the doorbell a few times, but there was no response.
  • His bad premonition was even stronger. He looked left and right and saw a pot of peonies at the door. With a one-in-ten-thousand chance, he squatted down to move the peonies away and saw a key underneath. Eyes full of joy
  • I'm also a little worried, what if this key is not the key to their door?
  • He took a chance. He felt Xin's heart beating violently in his chest. He slowly inserted the key into the keyhole, and God favored him. only heard a click
  • The door is open!
Redemption: A Premonition