Dark Angel (Jimin & Reader & Seokjin)
  • For the umpteenth time today, I repeated the entire choreography from start to end, but there was still something wrong with it. Everything seemed to be almost perfectly synchronized, and at first glance, the steps lined up perfectly into one big whole, but they were still missing something. I had been trying for hours to come to what I might have missed as well, and still, I couldn't find the gap. I sighed heavily and sank to the floor, reaching for my water bottle. I've been restless for several days and had been plagued by black thoughts. I had a small glimpse of the future, but it wasn't really much to share with the rest of my group. Especially since I didn't want to unnecessarily worry Jimin, who was worried about Y/n all the time anyway. I took a few sips of water and stretched, flexing my body.
  • - Hi, hyung, are you done with class yet? - Taehyung appeared in the room smiling from ear to ear.
  • - Tae, you were supposed to be an hour ago - I looked at him displeased.
  • - Forgive me, hyung, but I wanted to avoid your female admirers. Some of them can be really pushy, and if it weren't for the fact that they are mortals, I would think you have a dance school for demons here. Joonie hyung also complained recently that he had a similar problem at the university - Tae playfully shrugged - how do you guys put up with it?
  • - We just ignore them and that's it, you'll learn that in time too - I shrugged my shoulders slightly - by the way, most of these women are more into Jimin than me, so I don't have to worry too much about it.
  • - Poor Y/n. She probably has a hard time with it.
  • - She tries to ignore it too, but sometimes... - I sighed slightly, shaking my head - sometimes I can see that all this is killing her, especially when painful memories come back to her. She really hasn't had an easy life this time.
  • - And just why don't you ask for help from Jimin? You know very well that I have absolutely nothing to do with dancing, so I won't help you much.
  • - Because Jimin ditched earlier to spend time with Y/n, so....
  • - Say no more - Taehyung interrupted me and we both burst out laughing - I'm glad they're both so happy. And my heart grows when I look at them.
  • - That's right, Jimin is a lucky man, but....
  • I shrugged it off as I felt that stab of unease in my heart again. Something was wrong, I just couldn't fully grasp it yet. If I had at least gotten one more glimpse, one more premonition, to be able to form a complete picture of it. Just a tiny fragment of the future would have been enough, but so far there was nothing to indicate that my wish would come true. No matter how much I focused on that earlier crumb, I was unable to expand it, let alone catch another thread.
  • - Hobi hyung, is something wrong? - I was pulled out of my thoughts by Taehyung's concerned voice.
  • - I hope it's nothing, but... I've had a bad feeling for the past few days. I'm afraid that something bad is about to happen and our peaceful days are about to come to an end.
  • - What are you talking about, hyung?
  • - You know all about Y/n and about her true nature.
  • - No, hyung... just don't tell me that...?!
  • - I'm afraid that he will appear much sooner than we expected, and that this time Jimin won't be able to save her from him - I said aloud what I feared most.
  • - Let's hope it's just a silly feeling nothing more, and even if it's true... we'll help them! Joonie hyung is really powerful, you have a lot of experience, and Jimin... he dealt with him before and came out on top many times. Well, and let's not forget Y/n. After all, after she marries Jimin and they perform the awakening ritual, she will be out of his reach. She will already be one of us!
  • - Taehyung, Y/n is bound by an equally strong bond with Seokjin too! And what if this time... what if this time she chooses him?! It would be a disaster and Jimin will break down!
  • - We will stop Seokjin and help them. It will not be easy for him to find her, after all, Los Angeles is a really big city - Taehyung undaunted continued - I control my gift better and better and will continue to develop it. Jimin found clues in an ancient manuscript on how to create healing shields that can stop some of the attacks of demons and has already started working on it. We will be prepared for anything. Besides, I'm sure that Y/n and Jimin's love is much stronger than this silly bond.
  • - I wish you were right - I sighed heavily, trying to find strength in what Taehyung said.
  • - Hyung, if this premonition bothers you that much, I think you should talk to Namjoon about it. He will definitely know what to do about it next.
  • - You're right, I'll meet with him later today and tell him everything. Thanks Tae - I smiled at him gratefully.
  • - You don't have to thank me - the frown disappeared from Taehyung's face, replaced by a beaming smile - and now come on, finally show me that choreography you talked so much about.
  • Just as Taehyung advised me, I decided to talk to Namjoon. I knew that of the four of us, he was the only one who would approach everything soberly and try to form some kind of reasonably coherent plan. I entered the right floor of the university building and with a quick step headed for the familiar office. I had been here many times, as Namjoon's lectures were rampant and enjoyed 100 percent attendance, which meant he spent most of his time at the university. Fortunately, he was now on a break, so we were able to meet and arrange everything carefully. I passed the crowd of giggling female students who were standing outside Namjoon's office, knocked on the door and, without waiting for an answer, went inside.
  • - I see that Tae was not colorizing, claiming that you are quite popular - I giggled quietly and sat down in the chair opposite my friend.
  • - Are they still there? - Namjoon sighed heavily and hid his face in his hands for a moment - I love teaching, but these crowds of female students are getting more and more bothersome.
  • - Maybe ask one of the angels to pretend to be your fiancée or something like that and then they'll back off - I suggested to him.
  • - I doubt it, I'll have to deal with it somehow, but later - Namjoon looked at me intently - I'm sure you came here for a completely different matter, and not to talk about persistent female students, am I right?
  • - That's right, only... I don't know how to start.
  • - How about starting at the beginning?
  • - If only I knew exactly where the beginning is here - I laughed quietly.
  • - Hoseok, what is it? - he became concerned.
  • - A few days ago I had a gentle glimpse of the future, but... it was just one image, a dozen seconds or so... only that since then I have been plagued by anxiety all the time. I'm unable to focus on much of anything, because I keep wondering how I'm supposed to read it. I've been trying to force my gift to expand this glimpse, but to no avail. Something is blocking me and I can't get past it in any way.
  • - I guess you saw Seokjin - Namjoon rose from his desk and walked to the window, clenching his jaw tightly.
  • - Yes, I only heard one sentence: I want you to find her. But I couldn't see who he was addressing.
  • - This means that Yoongi is blocking you. The question is why, if they didn't do it before - he plunged into his thoughts.
  • - Maybe they have someone new in their ranks - I suggested - but that still doesn't explain the fact that Yoongi is shielding him.
  • - Unless it's someone really powerful - he turned toward me - you are able to determine who wields what gift, even if you see it in flashes of the future. It's most likely someone with a powerful gift that they don't want to reveal too soon, or someone who is not yet in full control of it and could endanger others. Only in such a situation would Yoongi put a protective shield over him.
  • - Do you think this is possible?
  • - People are still dying young, and more and more of them are dying tragic deaths. More than one wants to try again as an immortal, and you yourself know very well that Seokjin seeks out those who have the strongest as well as the most interesting gifts. It's possible that he found someone like that in the last round of newcomers and is now helping him adjust to life as a demon. What concerns me, however, is what you said.
  • - About this new demon to join the search?
  • - That's right. If he's still not in control of his gift, but Yoongi is shielding him... that means we won't be able to sense him. And at the same time... there's a big risk that the kid could accidentally use his gift and lead to disaster if he doesn't control himself in time. Even Taehyung still has trouble in completely controlling his gift, and he has been with us for some time.
  • - I'm not surprised at Taehyung, as he is probably the first of the angels to be given such an extensive gift. Maybe if his gift focused only on weather, it would be easier for him. Instead... he not only has to deal with the variability of the weather, but also everything around him. Nature also gives him a hard time, especially when natural disasters occur close to him. During the last hurricane, he was slithering around like a zombie for several hours before he was able to fully contain it. Besides, you didn't have it easy at the beginning of your journey either - I reminded my friend.
  • - It was so long ago that I don't remember it anymore - Namjoon laughed - Of the four of us, Jimin had the least problem mastering his gift. Almost from the very beginning he healed wounds, even the most complicated ones, flawlessly and within seconds.
  • - It's just a pity that he himself doesn't appreciate it - I sighed slightly, recalling how many times Jimin had complained that he was weak -I've explained to him many times that without him the demons would have dealt with us long ago, but....
  • - He further refuses to believe it - he finished for me - Probably his thinking comes from the fact that for centuries he has had to compete with Seokjin, who is the most powerful of the demons living among humans. On the other hand, he should take into account that destructive or powerful gifts are not always useful. I will honestly say that at times I envy that Jimin has his gift. He has a much easier life with it and can easily help others, and me? In fact, my gift is only useful in fighting demons and nothing else.
  • - I tried to explain it to him, but you know him. He has to come to it himself, eventually, when he finally reveals everything to Y/n, she will have to somehow talk some sense into him, especially since she will have the same gift as him.
  • - Let's hope so, and now... I'll try to think of something in case Seokjin's demons, or he himself, appear in our area, but I think we still have some time. Jimin and Y/n actually have one last straight left, and I'm sure they will manage to carry everything out the right way.
  • - Me too - I sighed, trying to ward off black thoughts - I hope so too.
Hoseok's Pov: