Chen Qing Ling: Reward both the elegant and the common
  • Yes, her sister is worthy of the best man in the world. It's really cheap for him Jinzixuan
  • ...
  • A fire appeared in Wei Wuxian's hand, and he suddenly stood up and picked up A Yuan
  • weiwuxian
    "Something happened to the mass grave"
  • weiwuxian
    "I'll go first"
  • Lan Wangji took out the silver and put it on the table, grabbed Jiang Ge's arm and followed
  • ...
  • Jiang Ge put the jade flute to his mouth, and with the sound of Lan Wangji's piano, stopped the frantic Wen Ning. Wei Wuxian kept sticking spells on Wen Ning until he stabilized
  • wenqing
    "A Ning!"
  • Seeing the warmth coming, Wei Wuxian breathed a sigh of relief
  • Wen Ning slowly opened his eyes. The white pupils had long since disappeared, replaced by ordinary people's pupils
  • wenning
    "Young Master"
  • wenning
  • wenqing
    "Yes, it's my sister"
  • She hugged Wen Ning excitedly. This was her younger brother. He had finally woken up...
  • ...
  • The three of them were walking down the mountain. Jiang Ge looked at the surrounding scenery, which was still filled with black air, and the cold wind was piercing. It had not changed much since she first came
  • weiwuxian
    "Lan Zhan, tell me, if I don't practice the trickster magic, do I have to hand over the Yin Tiger Talisman?"
  • weiwuxian
    "What about the people on the mountain?"
  • weiwuxian
    "Is there a way that I can protect the people I want to protect without practicing trickery magic and without using the Yin Tiger Talisman?"
  • weiwuxian
    "Lan Zhan, thank you."
  • weiwuxian
    "Thank you and Ge for being with me today, and thank you for telling me that Senior Sister is getting married."
  • weiwuxian
    "However, it is up to you to destroy your reputation, regardless of gain or loss."
  • weiwuxian
    "I know what to do, and I believe I can control it myself."
  • Lan Wangji pursed her lips and closed her eyes, and suddenly a glutinous voice came
  • ayuan
    "Brother, brother"
  • ayuan
    "Isn't brother going to have dinner with us today?"
  • A Yuan kept shaking Lan Wangji's calf. Wei Wuxian laughed when he saw it, and picked up A Yuan who was sitting on the ground
  • weiwuxian
    "Ah Yuan, this brother has food at home, so I won't stay."
  • ayuan
    "What about Pretty Sister? Ah Yuan likes Pretty Sister."
  • weiwuxian
    "Ah Yuan, don't talk nonsense, Pretty Sister belongs to Big Brother."
  • ayuan
  • ayuan
    "I heard from my aunt that I will cook a lot of delicious food today"
  • ayuan
  • weiwuxian
    "A Yuan!"
  • Jiang Ge tugged at the corner of Lan Wangji's clothes and said softly
  • jiangge
    "Lan Zhan, let's go."
  • Lan Wangji nodded at Wei Wuxian, held Jiang Ge's hand, and walked down the mountain
  • Wei Wuxian looked at the backs of the two and slowly pulled A Yuan up the mountain
  • "Brother Xian, will the rich brother come?"
  • "Rich brother? What rich brother?"
  • "Rich brother is rich brother!"
  • ...
  • ...
Rich brother