Book two: Darkest times
  • While Reyna had talked with the Gods and Goddess of what was happening-Zeph and Avery were doing just as they were told. They were quickly gaining up on Damien before he tripped and fell over on the ground. He tried to quickly get up but he wasn’t fast enough as Avery held him down. “Don’t you dare move.”
  • Damien whined out. “C’mon! Really? You’re really gonna hold me down like this?”
  • “Taking into consideration you literally just talked down our charge. Yes-now where is your little hide out. We’re going to destroy it and everyone in it.” Zeph said seriously as he stepped on the males back.
  • “Hey-hey! Watch it! I have wing’s ya’know! I can take you two there but you gotta let me go. I don’t give two *s about those *s, I’m starting to think the information we were told about Reyna-it wasn’t on her But her sister.” Damien said with a sigh
  • “What makes you think that?” Avery asked skeptically
  • “Information that I personally read about her…supposedly. She failed her demon test, she is a prissy * and her dragon doesn’t want anything to do with her.”
  • “Yeah…that’s not Rey at all. She passed that with flying colors. She got the sword of Ryse and the mark of the wraiths. Which connects her straight to me since I’m the eldest born.” Avery stated as he let go of the male
  • Zeph did the same as Damien got up dusting himself off. “Thank you. Now I’m a demon myself, I know what demons go through to earn their place. If what you’re saying is true then anything we are given is completely false and we shouldn’t have even listened to that whacko Amara. Then again-I never liked the * to begin with.”
  • “I have to ask, why were you forced into something you didn’t want to do?” Zeph asked confused
  • “Cause my family once lived in Militia, when * went down between the angels and demons my family was all for the war and *. But that ended cause of one damn child…Reyna. Zavier made it a big deal too. Saying that she was going to be the start of a new Era of demons that there’ll be good change coming our way. My family loved the blood shed, they loved to be able to rip people apart without feeling remorse. I don’t. I hate doing that. But because I can’t leave my family-I’m stuck.”
  • “Bull *.” Avery and Zeph said in unison
  • “Wow…that was scary. Why is it bull*?” Damien asked
  • “We both left our homes-our families behind. I’m the eldest of many.” Avery stated
  • “And I’m the youngest of three.” Zeph stated
  • “My mother gave me the blessing to follow my heart while she dealt with my corrupted father.” Avery stated
  • “And my father gave me the blessing to follow my given path after he had taken care of my mentally ill mother who wanted to kill Reyna, her angelic dragon and I after she got the mark of my people.” Zeph stated
  • “Both of us have given up our places in our homes to do what we desired to do-because that’s what our heart yearned to do.” Avery stated placing a hand on his chest “If you don’t want to be a part of them-then don’t. I’m sure that Rey could use another demon to talk to and lean against that isn’t against her.”
  • “Even after what I said?” Damien asked sheepishly
  • “If you tell her what you told us-I’m sure she’ll come around. Right Ave?” Zeph stated before questioning Avery
  • Avery nodded his head. “Mhm. She’s very understanding. I’m very sure that she’d hear you out and forgive you for your lack of information and knowledge.”
  • Damien sighed out a bit before he nodded his head. “Okay…if we’re going to do this. I need to warn the two of you. That people are going to be skeptical of me bringing you two along. I need you two to work with me here.”
  • The two males nodded their heads. “Sure what do we need to do?” Zeph asked
  • “Come with me-say nothing.” Damien said seriously
  • They did as they were told as Damien took the two of them to an abandoned building where he knocked on the door. The hole in the middle of the door opened and a male spoke up from the other side of the door. “What’s the secret password?”
  • “Death to the profit, hail to Amara.” Damien stoticly stated
  • The slit shut and the door opened, they soon saw a male with purple hair and brown eyes. “You have two new people, I see Damien. Who are they?”
  • “Avery and Zeph. The information we had been given about the prophet being at the Sweetheart cafe was a bust. Instead of finding her-these two came up to me saying they wished to join us.”
  • The male looked at the two of them skeptically. “What reason do you two have to join us?”
  • “I grew up with the woman, she’s overly dramatic and has no right to change anything.” Avery lied
  • “She came to where I live and had my father kill my mother because of different beliefs. My mother shouldn’t have died-she should have.” Zeph lied
  • “Oh wow, both reasonable reasons. Welcome brothers to the Jeckle walkers, allow me to show you two around.” The male said with a smile, “Damien, because of your hard work, spend time with your family. I will personally let them know of your good work today.”
  • Damien nodded his head and he went inside before the others had. When it was just Zeph and Avery with the purple haired male he smiled at the two males. “Allow me to introduce myself-I am Nelson Eyler. I am the founder and leader of the Jeckle walkers. As you both should know-this group is to hunt down the prophet woman and cut her down. And it seems like both of you have had close involvement in what has happened. So you two will not start off where people usually do to show loyalty. You two will sit in on a meeting and you are more than welcome to place your two cent in on the subject of her whereabouts.”
  • Both of them nodded their heads before they went into the building. While they walked behind Nelson the two males looked around and noticed just how many different species were working together. Avery spoke up. “Nelson I have to ask you a many wraiths are here?”
  • “Hm? Wraiths? Four excluding you Avery. Why ask?”
  • “I am the eldest prince of the wraith kingdom…I want them to know that I am on their side so they don’t end up trying to kill me. I had to ‘play nice’ with the prophet because I was always watched on by my * father who pushed me to ‘be nice’ to her. I am forced to be connected to that woman by the bond of wraith and demon.”
  • Nelson turned to look at Avery sadly. “That would cause concern, but no matter. You are here to show your true colors-so there is no need to worry about that. All will come to light soon Avery.” He said patting the raven haired males shoulder, he then looked at Zeph. “And just what are you while we’re on that subject.”
  • “I’m the youngest prince of the water elementals.” Zeph stated
  • “A water elemental huh? And a prince nonetheless huh…You’d be the second elemental we have here. But the first water elemental. The only other elemental we have here is a fire elemental.”
  • “I see, hopefully we won’t butt heads. Fire and water elementals never get along with one another.” Zeph said with a sigh
  • “You shouldn’t but if that happens we have people around to keep stuff like that from getting out of control.” Nelson said with a grin “come now boys we’re almost at the meeting room.”
  • Nelson took them up a case of steps before they went into a large room with a big table. The twelve people that were waiting looked confused seeing Nelson come in with the two of them. “Boys stay to the side for now alright?” Nelson said to Avery and Zeph
  • They nodded their heads before doing what they were told. Nelson sat down at his seat and leaned forward. “We were given wrong information. Reyna was not at the Sweetheart Cafe, whoever was given that information must be punished for it. We must kill her before she gets anymore god blessings. As it is she has the Goddess Tina, Tyche and Ryse’s blessings not to mention the blessings from God William, Bryce and Andre. If she gets anymore we’re *ed. Now the two males I came in with are against the prophet and are here to give their take on our situation. Avery and Zeph are Princes of two kingdoms on either side of the world. Avery of the wraiths and Zeph of the water elementals. Both of them have seen up close who we are dealing with.”
  • A white haired male with green eyes spoke up. “So you’re saying that they’ll be able to give us factual things about the woman we’re out to kill?”
  • “Yes, if anyone knows about her weaknesses it’d be them.” Nelson said before he motioned for the two males to get closer to the table
  • They did before Nelson looked at Avery first. “You said you grew up with the prophet-so tell us. Who is she really?”
  • Avery sighed out “A cry baby for starters. Over emotional, but she is strong. She went through the trial for my people without me and came out unscared. It took her one try which is unheard of. I’ve been forced to be bonded to that woman. She then went to take the trial for her own people to earn her worth as a demon princess…She passed with flying colors. Her strongest bond is with her dragon.”
  • “Wait-wait-wait…what you’re telling us is the complete opposite of what we’ve been told by our own scouts that came from the demon and wraith kingdom. That has to be a lie.” The white haired male said shaking his head
  • Avery narrowed his eyes at the white haired male. “I was there! I know what I saw! She has the sword of Ryse! The one who had failed the wraith trial and the demon trial was her elder sister Luma!”
  • “Wait she has an elder sister, we were told she was an only child.” Nelson said stunned
  • Avery scoffed. “She has an elder sister who is a full blooded demon and an elder sister who is a full blooded angel.”
  • “The woman we had kept tabs on was a black haired female with gold eyes…is that not Reyna the woman of prophet?” The white haired male asked
  • Zeph and him shook their heads. “That would be her elder demon sister Luma.” Zeph stated
  • All of them were dead silent hearing the information they were given. “So…we know nothing about the women of prophet other than the alarms we get from Amara…* this is bad.” Nelson stated
  • “We can tell you what you need to know.” Avery stated
  • “We know what Reyna looks like-what she’s weak to.” Zeph stated
  • The white haired male got up and pulled out two chairs. “Please sit, tell us what you know Zeph, Avery. We need to know what we’ve *ed up on.”
  • The two males sat down before they both had the idea of targeting Ella instead of their beloved princess. “You’re looking for a female with Dark red hair and light green eyes. She holds a sword close to her. She knows how to use it. She will charge into battle. She should be a pacifist but chooses not to for the sake of her own agenda.” Avery stated
  • “On the contrary to one of the people she has befriended that won’t hurt a fly that has almost the same appearance. She will be afraid of large crowds-ignore that woman. She is useless.” Zeph stated
  • “Because both her mother and father have denied her as their child she will not show her demon or angel wings so you won’t have to worry about her flying off.” Avery stated
  • “What you are going to have to worry about is her two dragons. Due to her being both of royal angel and demon blood she has two dragons. One is a silver dragon who is a smoke dragon-the other is a black acid dragon.” Zeph stated
  • “We’ve never had to encounter dragons, so this isn’t going to bode well for us. Do you two know how to get rid of the dragons?” Nelson asked
  • “We’ve faked being ‘buddy-buddy’ with the two dragons, we can have them be with us while you all do what you must.” Avery stated “Especially me with her acid dragon. That dragon sees me more as a companion than her own companion.”
  • “And I’ve spent time with her smoke dragon away from her-it should be no hard task to get him to follow me away from her. I will also get the useless woman away from her as well so you know who you are to go after.” Zeph stated
  • Nelson thought for a moment and nodded his head. “Alright, I’m in agreement with what I’m hearing. We will let you two go off and find where she made off to, once you find her you two will use a flare to let us know where she is hiding.”
  • Zeph and Avery nodded their heads before the white haired male got up and gave them both flare guns. “There’s one use each in them-so don’t waste it.”
  • They took the guns and left out. They went to find Damien only to see that he was hanging upside down on a poll in the middle of the ground floor. When he saw the two males he got down with his wings out. “So?”
  • “We’re in and we have a plan, but we need your help.” Zeph stated
  • “Sure go for it.” Damien said with a nod of his head
  • “We want to destroy this place inside out. But we’re going to need Hyun’s help, he is Rey’s angelic dragon.” Avery stated
  • “Okay, well if that’s the case then let’s go. The more help the better.” Damien said with a nod of his head
  • The three of them left and they went back to the cafe to see that Hyun was there waiting in front of the bakery. Zeph and Avery looked confused. “Where’s Rey, Ella and Nala?” Avery asked
  • “They left to the land of the founders.” Hyun stated before he realized they had Damien and went on high alert. “Why is he with you?!”
  • “Calm yourself Hyun, he isn’t going to harm anyone. He’s on our side, he’s going to help us get rid of the people who want to harm Reyna.” Zeph stated
  • Hyun huffed out. “I don’t believe that.”
  • “Believe or don’t believe what you want.” Damien said before he took the black hooded jacket he wore off and he burned it showing that he was wearing a black tank top under it. “There are over forty people who wish for her death, most of them are weak due to never seeing a reason to fight but are against her. Some will be easy to cut down-others like Nelson and Wayne the leader and co-leader aren’t going to be that easy to cut down.”
  • “Which is why a bigger group of people is better to deal with this situation.” Ella said from above them
  • “E-Ella?! What the hell? Where’s Rey?!” Avery asked shocked
  • “She’s safe, she’s been watched over by Lord William and Goddess Tina.” Ella said before she jumped down
  • Ella then looked at Damien. “Tyche and Ryse both confirmed that you are on our side. I am more than happy to get you out of your situation. Be it that you are of demon like Reyna is, she could use someone else who is of demon blood to lean against. Nala and I are going to be helping the lot of you out. What can we do?”
  • “What type of dragon is Nala?” Damien asked
  • “I’m an acid dragon Damien.” Nala said as she flew down and turned to her human form “Being that you are of demon blood you should be connected to a dragon too. Why is it that you aren’t?”
  • “You can tell?” Damien asked
  • She nodded her head. “All dragons who are bonded with demons can. I’m a fast flyer-I can take you back to Militia quickly to get your dragon. With the help of your dragon it could work in our favor.”
  • Damien nodded his head. “I’d love that Nala.”
  • She jumped excitedly. “Alrighty then! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!!!” She said happily before she changed back quickly and picked up Damien with her mouth throwing him onto her back. “Be back in a bit!!! Ella take them to one of the temples nearby while you wait!”
  • Nala then bolted off as Damien held on for his life. He had no idea that the acid dragon could be as fast as she was, everything that was under them was passing by so quickly. When they got to the dragons den in Militia Nala ended up having a harsh landing and Damien fell off of her.
  • “Oh whoops! Sorry about that Damien, I’m still not used to landing on ground.” Nala said sheepishly
  • “It’s fine, I’ll get over it. So how do I know when I’ve met my dragon?” Damien asked
  • “You’ll feel a connection with them.” A male voice said as he came out of the Acid dragon den.
  • The male had short black hair and golden eyes. Nala’s eyes lit up as she changed to her human form. “Joel!!!” She said happily before she hugged him. “Find your drago?!”
  • “Yeah-your brother shadow.” Joel stated. “So what are you doing here Nala?”
  • “I’m here to find Damien's drago. He’s a demon without one. He’s gonna be helping Rey out.” Nala said excitedly
  • “Another demon wants to help her out? I’m game.” Joel said before he looked at Damien. “I’m Reyna’s younger cousin Joel. Nice to meet you.”
  • “Like wise Joel, I don’t wish to state my family name so I won’t.”
  • “That’s fair. Let me show you around there’s a lot of dragons without a dragon companion.” Joel stated
  • Nala was behind them happily with her hands behind her back. They went to where the dragons were all playing with one another. Joel whistled for the dragons to stop which they did and they lined up.
  • “Alright all of you-seems like Damien here doesn’t have a dragon. So, we’re going to figure out who it is.” Joel stated
  • A white dragon with orange eyes stepped forward. “I…um…”She said weakly
  • Joel looked at shyla. “What is it Shy?”
  • Shyla went up to Damien and she bent down towards him and placed her snout towards him. “Touch me, It’ll be okay.”
  • He did softly only for her to change to a white haired female with orange eyes. She smiled as she held her hand out to Damien. “It’s going to be a pleasure to work with you Damien.”
  • “Likewise.” He said as he shook her hand
  • “The names Shyla-but please call me Shy.” She said happily
  • He nodded his head with a smile. “Very well then Shy.”
  • Shadow growled a bit. “You better just be her demon companion.”
  • “Calm your * Shadow-I don’t want anything more than to be friends with him.” Shyla said sassily
  • He huffed out a bit of smoke before Nala shook his head. “Y’know-you’re more protective and possessive of her than you are of your own damn sister. How the * does that work?” Nala said as she pointed to herself
  • “You can handle yourself-she can’t.”
  • “I can too! Just you won’t let me!” Shyla huffed.
  • “You’ll get the chance to, we’re leaving out. I need your help to get rid of some people who want to harm Reyna.” Damien stated
  • “* yeah! It’s about time I do something other than being here!” Shyla said excitedly
  • Shadow looked at Joel. “Can we go with them? I don’t trust this guy. Avery isn’t with Nala so who knows what has really happened.”
  • Joel looked at Nala. “Where is avery?”
  • “He is waiting in the human kingdom for Damien and I to return. But I don’t want to leave immediately, I want to go to Toni’s temple and * at him for thinking so low about Rey. She needs his blessing!” Nala said seriously
  • “Then the five of us can leave together. I already said my piece to Uncle Zavier, I’m not returning there with him still as the lord of Militia.” Joel stated seriously
  • She nodded her head before she turned to her dragon form. “I know where Lord Toni’s nearest temple is. All of you follow me!”
  • Shyla turned to her dragon form and Damien went on top of her as Joel went on top of Shadow before the four of them followed after Nala. Nala took them past the Ice dragon’s den, she turned back to her human form as she walked through the doors of the temple. Instantly she could feel something wanting to push her out.
  • “Damn it! Lord Toni get the * over yourself you overgrown child!” Nala growled out before she was blasted out by a big gust of wind.
  • “Oh that’s how you wanna be huh?! Alright then, two can play that!” Nala growled out before she turned back to her dragon form and that time placed her claws into the ground which kept her from being pushed out of the temple As she got to the altar of the temple she turned to her human form as she placed her hands on the altar.
Chapter One