Empresses in the palace / Three companies will leave you
Empresses in the palace
  • meilikeaiwudidebenbaobao
    Hello everyone, I am the author of this book. Thank you for your collection and reading and beautiful flowers. An Lingrong is sympathetic. She has no father's love, no sisters, no lover, no loyal servant, and no talent, but she will work hard and struggle desperately. In order to escape her father's control, she will go to the draft but be humiliated because of her shabby clothes. That's why she met Zhen Huan. She was finally broken by Zhen Huan because she was bullied by Zhen Huan when she and Zhen Huan were sisters. So she took refuge in the queen. The queen used her as a tool. She couldn't help herself to have a child. Her defeat was a sad fate, but this baby is here. Ben The baby wants to give her what she doesn't want, and she also has her own happiness. There are comments that we are writing a counterattack? Answer: Yes. Isn't the baby writing? This is not the point, the point is that everyone must not move their eyes or close their eyes: it is updated regularly at 17:25 every day, and from December 19, 2018, there will be three updates every day. Okay! Having said that, thank you again for your collection and reading, as well as beautiful flowers.
Three companies will leave you