Empresses in the palace / Push the book
Empresses in the palace
  • Writing this article is just a personal sensory imagination. In my opinion, I hope it can be presented perfectly and make people read it comfortably.
  • I see that some readers are still asking for more, I know that you asked for Anlingrong before and passed through the follow-up of immortal cultivation.
  • To be honest, I planned to end it simply at the beginning. When the emperor died, the heroine lifted the diving face and set foot on the peak of life.
  • But my screenwriter wanted me to continue writing, so I had Xiu Xian Tiao.
  • But I really can't imagine, and inspiration can't explode at all.
  • So delete the follow-up and rewrite the ending.
  • The writing is still not good, and I personally think that I lack the ability to grasp the ending and plot of this book.
  • Let's just do it. It accompanied me through the period of Xiaobai author. During this period, every reader who sent flowers, collected, and commented was its ultimate way. Whether he liked it or not, he let me and the readers carry out a spiritual imagination. Explore.
  • In fact, what we seek from reading novels is never a sense of reality, but a sense of substitution. When we substitute for this person's anger and joy, we will have a dream in a trance. The dream is real, and whether it is beautiful or not is only in the creator's pen.
  • In the dead of night, reading novels is not only a kind creation of the soul, but also a kind of elegance. Of course, staying up too late is a bad behavior.
  • Thank you to every reader for reading, no matter what you say, I just know that our hearts met through this book.
  • Finally, I hope you will have time to read my other books to ensure the quality of the writing is qualified.
  • "Hua Qiangu's villain Ni Mantian" Hua Qiangu fans are exempt from entering. Although this article will not be dark, it will definitely spit out the character according to the drama version.
  • The real name of "Once Upon a Time" is "The Fusion of Ice and Fire through". As a result, a friend of my hand-held party changed the title of the book, which is not a humanistic book based on the fairy tale of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.
  • "The Green Tea Queen of Return to Pearl" What happens when the Boss Dragon, the protagonist of the mindless pain, meets the Queen of the Sea?
  • "Wen Gongdi" The sweet and sweet story of the Princess of Wen and the Lord of Xixia, the King of Xixia: In those years, I was knifed for you and fell off a cliff for you, but you treated me as a loyal servant.
  • "The Fate of the Queen of Clearance" The modern heroine's IQ is online, sweet and romantic, and the routine is absolutely bloody and fragrant.
  • Finally, I would like to remind everyone that the above books are not complete (= ̄ω ̄=)
Push the book