Empresses in the palace / Hegong Night Banquet
Empresses in the palace
  • "Sisters, it will be New Year's Eve in a few days. At that time, a night banquet will be held in the palace. My head has been hurting more and more recently. It is better for Sister Hua and Sister Qi to be in charge."
  •   Every year, the weather is getting colder, the queen always has a headache, Concubine Hua is in charge of the Six Houses, and Concubine Qi's position is also higher than others. No one objected to this decision.
  •   "Yes, I will obey the Holy Order of the Empress."
  •   The concubines obeyed the orders, and although Concubine Hua disdained it, she was also very happy and proud.
  •   The queen is just a decoration, and she can't even prepare for the night banquet of the United Palace. In the end, the harem is her only power.
  •   An Lingrong was a little confused. The night banquet of the palace should be held by the queen and Concubine Hua. Why was the queen sick?
  •   "Alright, my head hurts again. If the sisters are okay, go back to the palace."
  •   The queen pretended to be uncomfortable and stroked her forehead and sent back the concubines.
  •   "The Empress has to take care of her body, and the concubines will retire."
  •   Concubine Hua left with fake concern.
  •   The other concubines also expressed a little concern and left.
  •   "Empress, when I was in the boudoir, I heard my mother say that Little White Chrysanthemum can relieve headaches by soaking in water."
  •   Shen Meizhuang, who was left alone, said softly.
  •   The queen reluctantly chuckled and nodded:
  •   "You have a heart, this palace will give it a try. Now it is inconvenient for this palace to say more, you can go back to the palace."
  •   "The concubine resigns."
  •   Hearing this, Shen Meizhuang left anxiously in his heart.
  •   "The empress is fine, I have asked Qiu Ju to invite the imperial physician, let me press the acupuncture point for you first."
  •   Xiuqiu worriedly supported the queen into the inner room.
  •   "No need, it's so easy to have a headache when you cut Qiu Ben Gong."
  •   The queen changed her painful state and told Xiuqiu that she was pretending.
  •   "Empress, why did you do this?"
  •   Xiuqiu was puzzled, the empress pretended to be sick, and the harem was the only one of Concubine Hua's family.
  •   "What do you think of Shen Guiren?"
  •   The queen pursed her lips and smiled, and asked Shen Guiren back.
  •   "Noble Lady Shen cares a lot about Empress. I see that Concubine Hua is so powerful right now that she is a useful person."
  •   The principal sub-analysis of Xieqiu Faithful.
  •   "This palace has studied medicine for many years, and at a glance, it can be seen that as the late emperor, she has not been lucky to be Shen Guiren.
  •   The empress waved her hand. Although Shen Guiren's family background was not as good as that of the Manchu and Mongolian nobles, he was also considered the emperor's right hand in the dynasty and the opposition. Shen Guiren suddenly sold her well, presumably because the emperor did not favor her, because the new bee served her for the first time. The queen must use the seal, but she can't control how the emperor is.
  •   "I understand..."
  •   Xiuqiu wanted to persuade him to say something, but outside the house, Qiu Ju's voice suddenly sounded.
  •   "Empress, the imperial physician is here."
  •   "The micro-minister pays homage to the empress, and asks the empress to let the minister take the pulse carefully."
  •   Zhang Shi, an old man with a white beard, knelt down and saluted.
  •   The autumn color of the Imperial Garden was just right, and An Lingrong was dazzled. How could she be in the mood to watch the scenery in her previous life? Because of Shen Meizhuang, Zhen Huan was favored by Concubine Hua and was bullied by Concubine Man Gong.
  •   "Young Master Jun, stay."
  •   An Lingrong turned around, but it was the little maid serving Concubine Hua by her side.
  •   "Little Master, I am blessed. Empress Hua asked this servant to wait here for Little Master."
  •   The little maid looked plain, and she didn't remember it when she was in the crowd. The maid beside Concubine Hua was in this style except for Songzhi.
  •   "I wonder what Concubine Hua is looking for this little master for?"
  •   An Lingrong smiled and asked softly.
  •   "There is a cluster of green chrysanthemums in the Xingong of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Empress specially invites the little master to watch it together."
  •   The little maid explained her intentions, but she felt that Jun's promise was really beautiful and her voice was nice.
  •   "Please lead the way."
  •   An Lingrong smiled deeper, and it seemed to outsiders that she liked chrysanthemums.
Hegong Night Banquet