Empresses in the palace / Dance clothes
Empresses in the palace
  • The back court of Fanghua Court is brightly lit.
  • Knowing that a noble person was going to perform a dance, the palace people hurriedly picked out a few clothes of different colors and quality.
  • Zhen Huan's clothes moved lightly with the color in her eyes, and her footsteps moved slightly, recalling that her mother asked someone to teach her dance steps when she was young.
  • Huanbi stood on Zhen Huan's side, looking at Zhen Huan's posture, and her heart was sour.
  • The same sister, why can you live so well, but I can only be a maid to serve people?
  • "Little master, this slave looks at this red one just right, and it also complements the little master's generosity and brilliance."
  • Huanbi showed a favorite smile, and her eyes fixed on the red dance clothes.
  • "Since Huanbi likes it, then I'll choose this one."
  • Zhen Huan smiled, and seemed to think that red was very suitable for her.
  • "Yes."
  • The maid, who had been standing quietly by the side, stepped forward and took the dance clothes and placed them on the bed curtain. The other dance clothes were taken away by other palace people, and a spacious room was quickly packed out for Zhen Huan to change clothes.
  • Zhen Huan opened her arms, and Huanbi put on a red dance dress embroidered with peony flowers.
  • This dance dress is particularly delicate. There are two blue jade carved into leaves on the neckline. The hem is sewn with layers of diamond-shaped long and small, thin as cicada wings. The wonderful thing is that the silk thread on its body is almost invisible. It seems that when it is woven, there are realistic peony flowers.
  • I don't know what kind of cloth is made of, Zhen Huan is very comfortable and likes to wear it.
  • "The little master is really beautiful. If the emperor sees him, he will definitely dote on the little master."
  • Huanbi buttoned the buttons for her one by one.
  • "I hope so."
  • Zhen Huan smiled proudly. She hadn't practiced dancing for two years, but she was confident that she could save face for Concubine Shen and make the emperor she liked fall in love with.
  • When everyone was waiting, Zhen Huan slowly entered the venue.
  • After a ceremony, the vocal music played, and a song "Jianjia" resounded through Fanghua Garden.
  • "Jianjia is pale, and white dew is frost."
  • The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side.
  • Tracing and following it, the road is blocked and long;
  • Traveling back from it, like in the middle of the water.
  • Jianjia is lush and lush, and the white dew is not yet Xi.
  • The so-called Yi people are in the Mae of Water.
  • Tracing back and following it, the road blocks and slams;
  • Traveling backwards from it, it is like diping in the water.
  • Jianjia is collected, and the white dew is not yet gone.
  • The so-called Iraqi people are in the water.
  • Tracing and following it, the road blocks and goes to the right;
  • Traveling back and forth, it's like walking in the water... "
  • From the Book of Songs.
  • Zhen Huan danced gracefully with the song, probably turning around and then smiling and posing a few poses.
  • Although it was a thrilling dance, it was less than one-tenth of the queen of pure yuan.
  • The queen could not help but be disappointed, and she prepared a great gift for this substitute in vain.
  • An Lingrong pursed her lips and smiled. Shen Meizhuang took refuge in the queen. The queen let Shen Meizhuang learn to sing like in her previous life. She sang leisurely in her ears and danced with the beauty in front of her, but she suddenly felt that she had destroyed something! Pleasant.
  • Bang.
  • A porcelain cup instantly attacked Zhen Huan.
  • "The emperor calms down..."
  • The concubines were stunned and saluted one after another.
  • They looked at the livid emperor with concern and fear.
  • The emperor's anger had made him lose most of his reason, and he looked at Zhen Huan.
  • "Your clothes?"
  • The queen shook her head in a panic.
  • "When the concubine came, she counted my sister's relics, and this dress was clearly placed in the box."
  • Zhen Huan knelt on the carpet embroidered with red brocade and begonia with grievances. The carpet was soft, but she felt extremely cold.
  • Who is the queen's sister?
  • It is the queen of Junyuan who has passed away.
  • The dance clothes on her body are believed to belong to the queen of pure yuan.
  • Blame her for not thinking about it at the time and trusting Huanbi too much.
Dance clothes