Empresses in the palace
  • The annual rings circled and circled, and An Lingrong counted the patterns on the maple tree.
  •   How many years? Now she is sixteen years old.
  •   Eleven years, since she was five years old when she encountered a human trafficker incident, Ambihuai went out and came back for some reason, and found the book left by her grandfather. The book had accumulated dust, but Ambihuai regarded it as a treasure and read behind closed doors.
  •   In two years, Ambihuai has been admitted to Juren and done in Sanyang County. What is even more surprising is that Ambihuai and Tian Wenjing have good diplomatic relations.
  •   Ambihuai became an official, perhaps Muwan Niang's face was still there, and perhaps Tian Wenjing's incorruptibility did not accept a daughter.
  •   Fortunately, Muwan Niang became pregnant again and gave birth to a son named Anlingyue when Anlingrong was eight years old.
  •   The maple tree squeaked, and An Lingrong looked up at the sky through the cracks of the leaves and smiled.
  •   Never wake up if it's a real dream.
  •   "Miss, the master is back and is waiting for you to have dinner with the lady."
  •   The maid in Tsing Yi with a delicate appearance came over and saluted to her. She was Qinghe, the maid under Muwan Niang.
  •   "Hmm."
  •   An Lingrong obediently responded, passed through the corridor full of orchids, walked the cobblestone sub-road on the side of the lotus pond with transitional water, and entered the main courtyard.
  •   Mu Wanniang, an official wife, smiled when she saw her coming.
  •   Ambihuai was dressed in grey and unsmiling.
  •   "Daughter visits father and mother."
  •   An Lingrong smiled lightly, waited for Muwan Niang to nod slightly, and took a seat.
  •   An Lingyue went out to study at the age of nine this year, and there was only one family of three in the team's Anfu for a meal.
  •   "In a few days, we will enter the palace for the draft, what does Rong'er have prepared?"
  •   Mu Wanniang looked at her daughter carefully, pulled An Lingrong's hand and asked.
  •   "Mother, don't worry. Daughter is ready."
  •   An Lingrong took Muwan Niang's hand back and said.
  •   "Then maid, who do you want to bring with you?"
  •   Mu Wanniang worried.
  •   Maid, An Lingrong thought of Baojuan - the eyeliner of the queen.
  •   "Mother, Lan'er and Qi'er have served their daughters for many years, and daughters can't leave them."
  •   Lan'er and Qi'er are a pair of twin sisters, who look good and are three years older than An Lingrong.
  •   "Lan'er is careful, and chess'ers have the courage to be strong. I am relieved to have them enter the capital with you."
  •   The daughter is outstanding in appearance, and she is well-behaved and will definitely be selected, but she is reluctant to give up in the end.
  •   "Mother doesn't need to worry, my daughter has never seen the prosperity of the capital, so it's great to see it."
  •   An Lingrong smiled gently and comforted.
  •   "My daughter's family must pay attention to virtue when she is outside, and don't show up."
  •   Ambihuai, who had been silent, was worried and warned.
  •   "Father, my daughter knows that my daughter is not at home, and father and mother should not forget to miss their daughter."
  •   An Lingrong said with a smile, his eyes clearly reluctant to give up.
Another year